Vitamin D for Grover's Disease

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Christine (Chandler, Az) on 01/29/2018
5 out of 5 stars

I am a 46.5 year old female who lives in AZ. I have had Grover's since October 2016. Severe case, started on both arms, went to chest, back, thighs, legs.. I had it neck to ankle for 10 out of 12 months. For the 2 months I had it only on my chest and hips.

I cured myself, after a very long 14 months with a severe case. I started taking high quality Vit D for hair loss, 4500 IU per day, some days I take an extra 1500 IU just because. It was a tip I received from my cousin, her daughter has severe alopecia the doctor used it to get it under control. I don't have alopecia, but wanted to give it a try.

After 2 weeks almost half of my rash was gone, after 30 days the rash was gone. It has been 80ish days, no rash at all. First time in 16 months. No doctor, no article I have read said to try Vit D; they all said B6/B12. I never though I would be thankful for hair loss, but now I am!!

FYI My blood work in 2016 showed my Vit D was in the normal range, low end, but normal. If you are in the normal range, take it any way and get your Vit K checked to ensure that level is good bc if your Vit K is not working correctly your body will not absorb the Vit D.

Low Vit D drives auto immune issues. When I looked at the list of what Vit D deficiency can do to a woman's body, sure men too, I about fell over. I wondered WHY this is not a standard practice for someone who develops Grover's. I tried soo much crap, it really infuriates me that it was this simple. My rash was horrid.

I do not know how to get this information out there, I am going to post it where ever I can.

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