Vitamin A for Grover's Disease

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Elena (California) on 04/30/2022
5 out of 5 stars

I started taking 50,000 IU daily for Grover's since this past Monday. As of today, my skin is almost cleared up!! Thank you to the contributors who shared that information! Just as a reminder take Vit D, 2000 IU more or less, because Vitamin A depletes Vit D.

I'm going to continue for another week, and then reassess whether I should continue on a decreased dosage of Vitamin A.

Best to All

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Judith (Ny) on 04/25/2018
5 out of 5 stars

I was diagnosed with Grover's after a 3 month on and off rash all over my body would never go away and I finally got a biopsy. It was insane, water only made it worse, every article of clothing exacerbated it, I had very little itching just burning. Diaper rash cream and zinc powder kept it dry but didn't stop new outbreaks. I tried vitamin d, steroid creams eating clean, nothing worked. I felt depressed and hopeless. Well after researching the very few Grover's sites, I saw that vitamin A helped a lot of folks, so I tried high doses. I'm in it a week and I'm amazed at how all my body is practically clear except my back. My last resort was accutane but I'm going to try sticking with the a before I start the script which is just a much stronger version of A. I hope this helps someone suffering from this awful condition.
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Marcella (Newport Beach, Ca) on 01/25/2018
5 out of 5 stars

I was recently having a flareup of Grovers over the past 3 - 4 months on both shoulders and upper arms. The itching was maddening and while I had had a couple of other outbreaks of grovers in the past on chest and back, I had not experienced the itching before. And the symetrical upper arms and shoulders was new as well. So I came back to this forum to read about folks experiences and was reminded about the coconut oil which I had some success with in the past and started applying to the areas twice daily. I dont find that coconut oil abates grovers for me but that it calms it down and helps with itching immensely. Then after seeing the prior posts about Vitamin A I thought I would do that as well. I already take 75,000 iu of Vitamin A daily - I have had surgery that makes me malabsorb Vit-A so I take this high dose to begin with but went ahead and upped to one more pill and have been taking 100,000 iu daily almost two weeks now and the grovers and itchiness is about 95% gone. This was a life saver for me after months of suffering.
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Pete (Ca) on 02/27/2017
5 out of 5 stars

High dosages of Vitamin A is what cured my Grover's Disease. I tried everything and my Grover's Disease only got worse...steroid creams, Tetracycline, diaper rash creams, tanning salons, etc. Nothing worked my condition only got worse. My chest and back was covered with the small red bumps and the itching was driving me crazy! Reading everything I could find on the internet on Grover's I decided to stop everything and try a routine of Vitamin A.

About 1 1/2 weeks ago I began taking 48,000 IU of Vitamin A each day. This consisted on two capsules 3 X daily, 8,000 IU each capsule for a total of 48,000 each day. It could be just coincidence, but 10 days later my Grover's Disease is almost 100% gone. I plan on continuing this dosage until I have no signs of the disease then gradually reduce the dosage to a maintenance dosage of 1 Vitamin capsule each day, or 8,000 IU.

I hope this helps as much as I believe it helped me.

REPLY   8      

Natalie (Lakeland, Fl) on 06/06/2016
5 out of 5 stars

I suffered for over a year with my first breakout of Grover's Disease, I had a biopsy in my home town at a well-respected clinic, and the verdict was...allergies to bug bites. Seriously, I live in Florida. It just seemed like a throw-away, catch-all diagnosis. Luckily, I am friends with a renowned dermatologist in Manhattan, and he did four biopsies (too much room for error on just the previous one) and diagnosed Grover's. The itching was truly maddening, and I was embarrassed by all of the red bumps on my chest. He told me to take 50,000 IU of vitamin A for one week, and then 100,000 IU for another week. That did it, it was gone! I got sunburned at the beach the other day and it came back. I started my vitamin A this morning. I couldn't believe how easy it was before, and I am sure that this will do the trick again!