Baby Shampoo, Calamine And Pramoxine Spray for Grover's Disease

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Jennifer (Savannah GA) on 04/12/2023
4 out of 5 stars

I am 53 years old and had Grover's Disease for years on my rib cage that came and went. I thought it was a fungal infection. I treated it for 4 months with OTC antifungals and it only got worse. I tried A&D cream, washes for eczema, steroid creams. Anything I put on it made it angrier. It itched and burned so bad. I went to the Dermatologist who treated me for 2 weeks with oral antifungal medication-got worse. Then she treated me with antibiotics and topical antibiotic creams-got worse. So she did a biopsy (the sutures burned and itched unbearably but I could not remove them. Biopsy came back as Grover's disease.

I found that just washing the area with baby shampoo and leaving it alone helped the most. I had been doing fine and decided to go into a tannining bed. I got a little pink on my upper back. A few days later, I tried to go to bed and I began to itch unbearably on my back. I thought it was my sunburn healing because there were no bumps. I tried cortisone cream and took an antihistamine. It settled a little but I could not lay on my back or wear a shirt. The next day my back was covered in the notorious bumps. As a last hope, I bought a calamine and pramoxine spray. It burned at first but helped tremendously probably because it soaks up moisture in the skin.

Trying cilantro in my smoothies now.