Multiple Remedies for Food Poisoning

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Yuriyanna (Orlando, FL) on 02/06/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I was at work on Wed. and around 5pm I started feeling cramps and gas pains in my entire stomach. It started to go away when I drove home from work but as soon as I ate dinner and tried to go to bed MASSIVE cramping started to occur. I have never experienced pain like this before. Around 1am I was in so much pain I actually went and woke both my parents up with tears streaming down my face. My dad had food poisoning 3 years ealier and actually went to the hospital for it for a couple of days. My dad studies homeopathic medicine and went out and bought garlic tabs, arsenicum album (helps with diarrhea), charcoal activated (captures unwanted materials and gas), and kelp with iodine (helps with metabolism). I already take an ounce of ACV everyday so needless to say I'm feeling awesome on day 3. Not saying in order to feel better you have to go out and buy all this stuff but it's great to take even if you're not sick...I prefer all natural remedies with any sickness. Just a couple of suggestions that worked wonders for me.