Lecithin for Fatty Liver

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Tintin (Sydney, Australia ) on 02/24/2021
5 out of 5 stars

I had fatty liver and high cholesterol 6mths ago on my blood test, I decided to go in favour of natural treatment and followed Ted's advice of incorporating Lecithin in my diet, yesterday was my 6mths follow up blood results and my cholesterol has gone from 7.3 down to 6.2 IN 6 MONTHS! I am so happy and my doctor said he had never seen anyone reduce their levels in such a short time without a prescription aid... also my markers for fatty liver did not turn up on my blood test. Dr said whatever I am doing to keep doing it because it is working, I didn't even change my diet and wasn't even taking the Lecithin every day, I started out once a day then the last month I totally stopped for a break so I can't wait to start again and see what my next blood test shows :) Thanks Ted! You are an earth Angel.
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