Natural Cures for a Fatty Liver

Modified on Mar 31, 2024 | Earth Clinic Team

Hearing the term “fatty liver” is often confusing and even frightening, especially if you haven’t had other health issues. While fatty liver is a complex condition, it typically can be treated with minimal medical treatments and supportive natural remedies. If you have been diagnosed with fatty liver disease, you should consider making dietary and lifestyle changes as well as incorporating nutritional supplements, like milk thistle, lipotropics, vitamin E, and turmeric, in your diet.

What Is a Fatty Liver?

If you are just hearing the diagnosis “fatty liver,” you may be wondering what it means. While it may seem that the condition refers to an organ that has been inundated by greasy or fatty foods and has “picked up a bit of weight,” the issue is a little more complex than that. The condition “fatty liver” is a term used to describe an individual whose liver has accumulated excess fat for one reason or another.

The condition is actually relatively common and causes few to no symptoms in many people with the condition. However, in some cases this state of the liver causes inflammation and scarring of the liver itself. Fatigue, pain in the upper right abdomen, and weight loss are other common symptoms.

What Causes Fatty Liver?

According to the, there are two basic forms of fatty liver: (1.) non-alcoholic fatty liver and (2.) alcoholic fatty liver. If your condition is classified as non-alcoholic, it is caused by your liver’s inability to appropriately and effectively break down the fats in your body, which leads to build up in your liver tissue. If the condition is the alcoholic form, the illness is caused by drinking too much alcohol, which leads to liver toxicity from the toxins in alcohol. Other common causes of this form of fatty liver include being overweight, having a poor diet, getting too much iron in your diet, and having hepatitis C.

Is There Any Treatment for Fatty Liver Disease?

While many individuals never know they even have this liver condition, it is important to be under a doctor’s care if you do. A doctor can determine the severity of your condition as well as help determine if there is inflammation or the potential for scarring in association with the condition. Even so, there are no drugs or surgery to cure fatty liver; however, there are a number of dietary and nutritional treatments that you can use. According to Dr. Weil and a number of other established physicians, a few of the best treatments for fatty liver include milk thistle, lipotropics, vitamin E, and turmeric. Additionally, adopting a more balanced diet and being active can also help treat the condition.

1. Milk Thistle

The University of Maryland Medical Center lists milk thistle as an effective remedy for a number of issues related to your liver and gallbladder. This herb contains a flavonoid known as silymarin that helps protect your liver cells from toxins. Milk thistle is also known for restoring damaged cells and reducing inflammation. You can use this remedy in the form of tea, liquid extract, tincture, or capsule.

2. Lipotropics

According to, lipotropics are another effective treatment for fatty liver disease. These compounds are complex nutrients that promote the metabolism of fat in your body. This process also helps detox your liver and remove buildup of excess fats in your body. Some of the most effective lipotropic nutrients are choline, methionine, and betaine, which you can typically find in capsule or supplement form.

3. Vitamin E

A known antioxidant, vitamin E also treats the condition. This nutrient helps protect your body from free radical damage, supports your immune system, and prevents more serious complications, like fibrosis and cirrhosis.

4. Turmeric

Research suggests that turmeric is effective for treating fatty liver because of its strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. You can use this remedy as a spice for your food or in the form of a capsule or tincture.

These treatments in conjunction with dietary changes should help you cleanse your liver and support more effective fat metabolism throughout your body. Look for more remedies below from Earth Clinic readers or add one of your own suggestions to our catalog.


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List of Remedies for Fatty Liver