Homeopathy for Eye Floaters

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Sharon (Tampa Fl) on 11/20/2022
5 out of 5 stars

Homeopathic Euphrasia 1M works very fast on eye floaters. For me it was 24 hours and only one small one left. You order the 1M (not mg) size online by searching for euphrasia 1M. Inexpensive-6 or 7 dollars. Take one pellet under your tongue at bedtime. Caution, coffee, minty toothpaste and strong food flavors nullify the action of the pellet, so if you are a nighttime toothbrusher, brush with water. No side effects, and after 2 days, mine were totally gone.

I am 71, so it was age related. l don't know if it is a cure yet, but there are a lot of pellets if needed.