Limiting Carbohydrates for Edema

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Albularyo (Chatham, Ontario Canada) on 05/13/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Ankle swelling can be sign of glucose intolerance. Replacing carbohydrates with proteines and fat can reduce the edema dramatically. To find out whether you are Glucose intolerant, avoid eating anything requiring Insulin to digest for a couple of days. I.E., instead have a nice meat dish accompanied by a Greek style salad of various raw greens, mixed with tomatoes, topped with crumbled Feta cheese and sliced hard boiled egg, and plenty of Balsamic Vinegar and an equal amount of olive oil for energy. If the edema does not go down dramatically within those 2 days, discount Glucose intolerance as a cause.
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Edemasufferer (Port Townsend, Wa) on 12/02/2012
5 out of 5 stars

For the past 5 years, I have lived with edema in my left leg. I tried everything from lympathic massage and acupunture to Western medicine ( diuretics and a salt free diet). Nothing worked. Then, I found diet that has almost completely cured the edema, which I hope will help others that are suffering. I limit my carbohydrates to a max of 30 grams a day: every meal consists of low carb vegtables, protein and fat. No starch, no sugar, (no fun! ), but the edema has radially reduced in the past 30 days. I also supplement with the herb cleavers twice a day. I was not a "believer" when I first heard about this working for my condition. Obviously, I now think differently. Hope this helps.