Sandy (Usa) on 04/27/2016
Hello EC,
My husband recently realised that he has type two diabetes. When he checked first time it was 300. He blamed it on to the jet lag because he was in plane for nearly 16 hours/20 hours because he was travelling abroad.
He immediately stopped rice, sweets and anything made out of white flour. He does not take any medication. Then in one month his sugar came down to 160. My question is what kind of fruits and naturals sweetners he can consume. Can he eat coconut sugar? He has a sweet tooth. Can I make bars using dates and figs as sweetners? What kind of fruits he can consume? I have seen diabetic people take their medicines and eat regular food including desserts made using regular sugar. He too wants to eat desserts. Please let me know whether he can eat dates, figs, or desserts made out of black strap mollasses