Natural Treatments for Cluster Headaches

Modified on May 12, 2023 | Earth Clinic Team

Any type of headache is a nuisance, but a cluster headache is one of the most intense and painful types of headache. Because this head pain is so intense and regularly involves additional symptoms, it can be difficult to treat effectively. However, in combination with conventional treatments, natural cures for cluster headaches can help reduce pain and prevent future outbreaks of cluster headaches. Capsaicin, chlorophyll, magnesium, and melatonin are among the best natural remedies for cluster headaches.

What Are Cluster Headaches?

Medline Plus describes a cluster headache as one in which pain is located on one-side of your head and may involve tearing of your eyes as well as a stuffy nose. The condition gets its name from the frequent “outbreaks” of headaches that are common with this type of headache. Individuals typically experience a cluster period that may last anywhere from a week to months at a time and are followed by periods of “remission”, with no headaches for months or even years.

Cluster headaches are often confused with other forms of headaches, especially migraines and sinus headaches. The Mayo Clinic lists common symptoms of cluster headaches as localized pain around one eye, pain that is prevalent on one side, restlessness, tearing of one or both eyes, a stuffy or runny nose on the affected side, swelling around the eye and a drooping eyelid.

What Causes Cluster Headaches?

Mayo Clinic states that the exact cause of cluster headaches is actually unknown; however, research suggests that abnormalities in the hypothalamus play a role. Cluster attacks generally occur with precise regularity within a 24-hour period, which is why it is so likely that the hypothalamus, your body’s biological clock, is involved. It does not appear as if clusters are triggered by specific foods, hormones, or even stress.

Are There Any Natural Remedies for Cluster Headaches?

While it is difficult to avoid a cluster cycle altogether, a variety of natural remedies can help you avoid a specific cluster attack. Maintaining a regular sleep schedule and avoiding alcohol are two lifestyle changes you can make that will help to alleviate cluster attacks. Some nutritional supplements, such as capsaicin, chlorophyll, magnesium and melatonin, are also effective for preventing attacks. No matter what treatment you try, though, it is important to maintain doctor supervision to rule out any potential underlying health conditions.

1. Capsaicin

A study presented by Dr. Michael Greger outlines the efficacy of capsaicin for treating cluster headaches. According to research, using capsaicin can cut your cluster attacks at least in half. Capsaicin works to relieve inflammation and to regulate blood flow, which helps relieve pain associated with cluster headaches. To gain the most benefit, swab your affected nostril with cayenne pepper.  This will not be pleasant, as it will burn excruciatingly until your nostril has become desensitized. Otherwise, you can find many capsule supplements that contain capsaicin.

2. Chlorophyll

The Health Wyze Report notes chlorophyll as an effective supplement for treating cluster headaches. Chlorophyll allows more oxygen to enter your cells while also protecting your cells from oxidation damage. This home remedy is also good for boosting energy. Use this to treat your headaches by placing 10 drops of liquid chlorophyll concentrate ono your tongue several times of day, waiting about 30 seconds and then swallowing.

3. Magnesium

Magnesium is an important nutrient throughout your body. It helps regulate metabolic processes in your system and also maintains your nervous system reactions. You should aim for an intake of magnesium of about 300 to 400mg a day.

4. Melatonin

Melatonin is most well-known for its function as a sleep hormone; however, it is also effective for regulating headaches. Melatonin helps regulate your sleep-wake cycles, which often trigger headache clusters. Melatonin also balances your hormone levels and prevents frequent outbreaks.

Continue reading below for many more recommendations from our readers on how to naturally treat cluster headaches!  Please let us know what treatments you have tried for cluster headaches.


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Natural Treatment for Cluster Headaches

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List of Remedies for Cluster Headaches