Apple Cider Vinegar for High Cholesterol

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AskMeAboutGMOs (New York) on 12/31/2023:
5 out of 5 stars

I make a half gallon drink to cover the taste of ACV. 5 green tea bags (boil 4 1/2 c. of water, you'll end up with about 4 c. of tea), 6 Tbsp. of ACV (Fairfield's. Bragg's is watered down), juice of a whole lemon, then add a mixture of your favorite juices. I add a 1/2 c. cranberry, 1/2 pomegranite, and then more of the juice that is my favorite, which is cherry, orange or grape. I drink it 1/2 the juice mixture with half spring water because it is so strong. This lasts me all week and I try to drink some every day. I make it as organic as I can get it. Kids like this too.

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jwel2nd (Jakarta, Indonesia) on 08/03/2023:
5 out of 5 stars

Take a big coffee cup, add some honey, just enough to cover the bottom. Add your 2 tablespoons of ACV. Fill the cup with lemon juice. Stir well to get the honey all mixed up. Drink it down. Tastes great, Lemon juice and honey are also helpful for many things. Your ACV will do it's job well using this recipe

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Marion (NY) on 11/09/2022:
5 out of 5 stars

ACV is really a wonderful NATURAL solution to many health problems.

Happy you found it worked for you. I use B----'s Organic ACV with the “mother.” I luv the taste. Dilute it w water and lemon and drink one TBP in the am half hour before I eat. It really helps. Best of health always.

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Carla W. (Walnut Creek) on 08/04/2019:
5 out of 5 stars

Quantifiable evidence of the effectiveness of apple cider vinegar for improving lipid panel plus dissolving calcium deposits.

I am prone to making calcium deposits on arteries and organs.

On 10/13/17 I had a lipid panel done with borderline results. I also had a stuck bile stone, causing misery and moving towards surgery. I did not change my diet, which is reasonably health conscious but added a daily dose of 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar mixed with apple cider to make is deliciously palatable.

In six weeks, in the middle of Qigong class while doing a gentle abdominable exercise, the stone released... dramatically and with great relief. Took my lipid panel again in 3 months with dramatic results, and again six weeks later with a different lab, just to be sure. And one and a half years later after a 6 month total diet derailment due to stress circumstances of a critically ill husband unable to assimilate food, and I undermined myself by eating his food to not waste it.

Here are the numbers. 10/13/17 chol-252, hdl -61, ldl 167,,tri -120 1/8/18 chol-61, hdl 58, ldl-109, tri-89 2-24-18 Chol- 189, hel-71, ldl-100 tri-91, and the backslide: 7/26/19 chol-228, hdl-60, ldl-140, tri-140.

Since that eyeopening setback I am back on track with my daily ACV cocktail. Will test in a separate lab in a couple of months. But this is measured incredible result and setback... Have not been able to get any attention from anyone in the medical profession other that being blown off. I am a believer of ACV. It's inexpensive, accessible and a true threat to the pharmaceutical industry.

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Demarie (Enterprise, Florida) on 07/09/2017:
1 out of 5 stars

I have been drinking Apple Cider Vinegar with water for two years. I drink it throughout the day to control blood sugar. Although it works for me to lower my blood sugar (look up studies), it does absolutely nothing for my cholesterol. I am vegan... on 75% healthy fat diet with veggies. My cholesterol is through the roof with the exception of HDL. Although high fat low carbs works for most in substantially lowering cholesterol and lowering weight, for a small group it actually substantially raises it.

ON the advice of my naturopath doctor, I have switched to a fat free low carb diet which my body evidently needed because for the first time in two years I am losing weight. I also am drinking lemon water with organic cayenne pepper every morning. All numbers dramatically reduced.

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Kathy (Cherry Hill, Nj) on 01/30/2017:
5 out of 5 stars

I was a previously a skeptic but ACV has reduced my cholesterol.

I am 56 years old and my cholesterol had been getting higher and higher over the years (I also am hypothyroid). My doctor told me to try to reduce my levels or she was going to prescribe statins, which I did not want to take.

I came to the Earth Clinic website and decided to try ACV. I started taking 2 Tbsp. ACV in water just once a day.

In Sept. of 2016, my total cholesterol was 232, HDL 54 and LDL 151. In December of 2016, my total cholesterol was 209, HDL 56 and LDL 130.

So, my overall cholesterol went down 23 points and my LDL went down 21 points in 3 months taking just 2 Tbsp. ACV a day.

My doctor was amazed and told me to just keep doing whatever it was I was doing.

I am going to try mixing it with pure grape juice as some have suggested. It is very hard for me to get the ACV down with just water, which prevents me from taking it as often as I would like.

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Anna (Ma) on 06/12/2016:
0 out of 5 stars

Could you post an update? I've been taking it but it has started giving me collywobbles (upset tummy). Thanks.

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Kristin (Mobile, Alabama) on 02/05/2016:
5 out of 5 stars

Happy to report that ACV has helped to lower my total cholesterol. In Dec 15, my total was 288. As of Feb 2 2016 it is 226. I've been taking 2 T of ACV and fish oil every night before bed. In another month I will go for a check up to see HDL and LDL results! So excited that I won't be relying on statins!
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Will (Irwin Pa.) on 10/14/2015:
5 out of 5 stars

Dear Brigitte, I just had some blood work done for my 6mo.check up. 6mos ago my cholesterol was 200. LDL was 128 / HDL was 54 . Today my cholesterol is 167. LDL is now 104 / HDL is 47. I take 2 tablespoons of organic ACV a day with 2 tablespoons of raw honey I don't know if it will work for you. It has a been great for me. Good luck. Bill
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Julie (Brooklyn, Ny) on 09/07/2015:
5 out of 5 stars

I agree,

My cholesterol was 268 in May 2015. I've been drinking ACV water for several months and I had another doctor's appointment earlier this month and my cholesterol was 208.

I was completely shocked and I will continue to drink ACV water.

Also, I noticed that I have a lot more energy and less pain upon waking in the morning.

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Shamoon (Washington, D.C.) on 08/05/2015:
5 out of 5 stars

I agree that ACV works well at cholesterol/LDL reduction. It does not, repeat Does NOT raise cholesterol or deplete HDLs.
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Lady Middleton (Jamaica, Ny) on 06/18/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

High Cholesterol is hereditary for me. My overrall cholesterol was 272 in Sept 2012. I started drinking ACV in Jan 2013, I did labs in March it went down to 214. All I can say is no more statins for me.
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Migs (Leigh-on-sea, Essex, Uk) on 05/28/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

On 25th May 2012, my overall cholesterol reading was 6.9, which is high. I decided to try organic apple cider vinegar to lower it. For the last year I have daily had a table spoon of high quality organic pure apple cider vinegar diluted with water in a large mug. I drank this once a day, straight after a breakfast of cold porridge, honey and soya milk. Initially it was hard to drink as it was a bit acidic tasting, but now I quite like it. Occasionally I would have it later in the day after a different meal, but it was mainly first thing in the morning.

At end of May 2013, my cholesterol had reduced to 4.1! I was amazed by this. There were no other changes to my lifestyle except sticking to only having any refined sugar (chocolate, sweets, cakes etc) every other day, rather than almost every day. Sometimes in the last year I would go 3/4 days with no refined sugar, but would have natural sugar via fruit. This is also quite a big change, but I am sure it's the vinegar that's the main cause of the massive reduction as I have always had some refined sugar in my diet.


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Rodd (Houston, Tx) on 04/16/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

Well this is my first time writing on this site.. My sister turned me on to it.. I'll get right to the point..

6mths(10 /11) ago I was getting chest pains and ignoring them due to they werent very bad but starting more frequent.. my cholestrol was 268-triglycerides was 167-LDL was 160-hdl was 42 glucose avg was about 150 to 220 daily...

I went to the doctor three weeks ago(3/18/ 12).. They thought I had an artery blocked. I did the radio isatope(nuclear) test and everything came back perfect.. My blood pressure was 113/68(im 41yrs old).. I started working out doing interval training(AKA getting my heart rate up and down every 5min from 100 to 135 and back for 1 hour)this alone lowered my sugar every single time... Started the acv (1table spoon 3times a day)cocnut oil(1 tsp 3 times a day).. My new results--sugar avg is now in the low hundreds and even dips into the 90s (amazing considering im hypothyroid and pre diabetic).. My cholestrol as of today (4/15/ 12) total cholestrol is 158 (110 point drop)trygs 104 (63 point drop).. LDL is 101(59 point drop ) hdl 40 (2 point drop but was fine before.. I've only been taking the coconut oil and Apple Cider Vinegar for three weeks.. Amazing!!! Hope this can help someone.. Also.. No chest pains in the last 4 days.. I'm not saying that all this had anything to do with my chest pains nor the doctors but is kinda strange they suddenly stopped.. I'm still keeping up with the doctors just to make sure... Have a great day everyone.. Any people from houston or wherever want to contact me just reply here first and then we will see..

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Love-n-life (Philadephia, Pa) on 04/04/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I started ACV & Honey for cholesterol on a daily basis on Feb. 20, 2012. At that time, my total cholesterol was 264, drinking the mixture once a day for about a month. I had blood work done on March 24, 2012, my total cholesterol was down to 233... The ONLY change was the mixture, I haven't even started working out, my physician was very impressed and told me while it was still high, it's much better and keep up the good work. I have not mentioned to her about the ACV & Honey (i'll do that later) but in short I just wanted to say this mixture has really worked for me. Best of Luck to everyone....

SIDENOTE: My diet consist of no fried foods, mostly baked, boiled, fruits and veggies... I do have "snacks" on occasion.

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Putter (Lima, Ohio) on 12/21/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

Tried the ACV and it triggered a gout attack. It's too acid for me. I had to chug black cherry juice and take capsules to pull out of it. I would not reccomend ACV for gout sufferers. Looks like it won't work for me. Dang!!

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Andoy (Boise, Id) on 08/09/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

Ted, I followed this pectin experiment on hogs. I ate one-half grapefruit a day, . I peeled the skin and ate everything including the pith (white part) , except seeds. I took most of the pith from the peeling and ate them too. Little bit bitter, but after one month my cholesterol dropped down a lot.

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Alan (Oldham, Lancashire) on 07/31/2011:
1 out of 5 stars

What a disappointment after using Apple cider vinager for sometime now I have just been re-assessed with my doctor and the conclusion is that I have now got Accute pancreitis this seems to be my main trouble so now I am on a high quantity of flax oil two desert spoons and two high fish oil tablets, for the moment I have given up the ACV. I am due to go back to the doctors for another blood test if this shows that my AP problem has not reduced I will accept Statins and a high fish oil content capsules

I must stress the AP problem is not related to drink

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Cory (Subang, Selangor,malaysia) on 07/15/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

Try AJWA DATES. You will be surprised. I have stent in my heart 10 months ago. Tried many ways to lower my cholesterol such as oat, fish, mushroom, greentea, etc. Anyhow, AJWA DATES worked the best.

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Tonyroos (Selden, New York) on 02/13/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

Ok, here's my story. I'm a 49 yr old male who exercises 3x a week. I'm eat oatmeal for breakfast and turkey on whole wheat for lunch everyday. I eat a normal dinner. And don't eat sweets. I have always had a hard time keeping my cholesterol in check. Guess it's hereditary. I recently had my blood work back in Nov 2010. My numbers were : total cholesterol 226, HDL 156 and LDL 52. My doctor want to put me in a statin because my HDL kep going higher each year.

I searched on the internet for natural ways to lower cholesterol and found that apple cider vinegar was a cure to lower it. I went for my new blood work and told the PA that I was drinking AVC to lower my cholesteral. She gave me a smirk like I was wasting my time trying this.

Just got back my new bloodwork results and here they are: total 186 , HDL 126 and LDL 42. The nurse who read me my results suggested that I still consider statin medication since I will still over the HDL guideline of 100. I told her that I would pass.. So in 4 months my cholesteral dropped significantly. I drink Trader Joe's organic ACV. And I also added Bob Mill's flaxseed to my oatmeal in the morning. My advice is try and fix your "ailments" naturally before you start to take medication prescribe by your doctor who is getting kickbacks from drug companies.

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Sathiananthen (Singapore) on 02/14/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been taking ACV for almost some time now. Reason high cholesterol and so on. My reading taken on the 23/10/09
Cholesterol 7.73, Trigleycerides 1.33, HDL-C 0.94, LDL-C 6.19 and Chol: HDL Ratio 8.22 all in mmol/L measurment. I went on an offensive method thats ACV 2 cap full, Lemon 2 teaspoon and 1 teaspoon of honey with pipping hot water drinking slowly.

Current result taken on 07/01/2010
Cholesterol 4.63, Trigleycerides 1.55, HDL-C 1.05, LDL-C 2.88 and Chol: HDL Ratio 4.41 all in mmol/L. For me it works well but in term of loosing weight I don't see much. I introduced ACV to my Manager who has the same problem and never once see his result pass from the test. After my advise and taken for 3 or 4 weeks on daily basics last week result out shine my report.

Those with high cholesterol please try but please check with your doctors advise. I tried after reading from the net on the benefits. One important thing I was on medication too for cholesterol (Lovastatin). My managers report was the thing which confirm of ACV coz he never see a better result in all his testing.

Thanks, Sathia

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Alan (Oldham, Lancashire) on 09/06/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

Update to previous publication: Apple Cider vinager, Recent blood test results back have shown excellent results (doctors words) previously 10.8 now 4.2 triglycerides, previously 6.2 cholestrol now 5, also lost 1 stone of weight but must start doing execise (not). A slight modification on the recipe i dont have the apple, i have increased the purple grape slightly with the cider vinager because what was not explained to me is i have boarderline diabetes and cholestrol taking the apple may increase my sugar level also since my blood test i have lost a futher 1lb in weight, over 5 months anyone trying these recipes good luck

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Wendy (Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin) on 02/26/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

Apple Cider Vinegar: I have for many years (20 or so) taken daily 1tbs 3 times daily of the following home remedy. I do not get sick (sinuses once in a while) but almost never a cold. it helps with my arthritus, my hdl and ldl are good. and it help keep my blood sugar numbers down. a chiro gave it to me.
take one head garlic, chopped
1 cup cider vinegar
1 cup bottled water

- soak over night ( plastic container)
- in the a.m. add 1 cup bottled water
- take 1 tbs 3 times a day (i usually follow it with 6 oz of juice)

i swear by it.

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EC: Thank you for the new recipe! Cross-posted to the apple cider vinegar recipes page.
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Michele (Lake Stevens, WA) on 10/24/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I read this book about Vermont Folk medicine and it talked about drinking ACV, honey and water and how it pretty much helps with everything. So I figured I would give it a shot, cuz it can't hurt. And now I mix a pitcher of it and me and the kids drink it. I just had my cholesterol checked and it lowered 30 points in a year. I wasn't even worried about my cholesterol. We refer to the mixture as honey drink and it makes a difference for me feeling hot and cold, having energy, rarely getting sick. I am totally sold and now buy honey and ACV in bulk. And I recommend it to everyone.
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Charles (Philadelphia, PA) on 06/13/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

ACV is a miracle remedy!! Eight weeks ago i was rushed to the hospital for chest pains and my blood pressure was up due to the anxiety created from the chest pains. After 2 days of testing in the hospital it was concluded that my cholesterol was borderline high. My Total Cholesterol was 239. I was told to take aspirin and given a prescription for some other popular medication, neither of which i took. I came across your site doing some research on natural remedies and now I am truly amazed at how ACV has working for me in only 7 weeks. My cholesterol came down from 239 to 175. I started taking 2Tbs mixed with either cranberry or grape juice in the morning and the same at night. The juice helps with the bitter taste of the Vinegar. I have had very little change in my diet, except for the fact that i no longer eat eggs! I have, however increased my activity to working out at least 3x's week. I am going to carefully watch my cholesterol and continue to drink the ACV and go back to my doctor in 2 months for another test.
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Julie (Akron, Ohio) on 05/18/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

My cholestrol has been high my entire adult life. I come from it naturally in a family that has the same problem. I have been put on just about every medicine that has come out without success. I have tried garlic and a low fat diet but have had no success with that either. I came across this page while researching migrane remedies and thought that I would give it a try. I started taking 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water once a day about a year ago. My cholestrol has always measured around the 254 mark and my triglycrides had always been well over 300. This past January my blood draw came back with very surprising results. My cholestrol was 162 and triglycrides were 163. I made the nurse calling me double check the name on the report. I have continued this therapy hoping that it wasn't a fluke. I will know in August when I have my next blood draw. I'm hoping for even better results. I also was able to stay 100% healthy this past year. With so much illness in a very close office setting I was able to not use one sick day while most of my co-workers were off at least one day if not more. It has not produced any weight loss benefits but I'm only 140 lbs to start with so I'm not so concerned with that as I was with the cholestrol results. I have passed this on to some friends that are suffering from the same thing. I'm waiting to hear their results.
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Shari (Steubenville, Ohio) on 05/02/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I had my cholesterol checked in Jan. before I started drinking apple cider vingar(209). I had it checked again 3 months later and it is down 3 points (206). I am taking 1 tablespoon three times a day mixed in juice. I am going to hope it continues to bring it down. I take a number of vitamins too. The only thing I have not had is weight loss. I am small and have put on a couple of pounds so the ACV did not make me lose any weight.
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Derrick (Atlanta, GA) on 08/26/2007:
1 out of 5 stars

First, thanks for the website. I, sadly, have NOT found that ACV lowered my cholesterol. In fact, my LDL and overall Levels are actually UP (slightly) since my last blood test. However, (and this is a big however) something else odd happened in the 9 weeks I have been taking ACV (dosage: one mouthful each morning). After almost a year of no change in my Triglycerides, they dropped a whopping 32% since my last blood test. There simply IS no other explanation other than the ACV - none. The only "possible" reason for this - is that in the last 2 weeks I started a low GI diet. Even then, 2 weeks of not eating watermelon is hardly a reasonable explanation for a 32% drop in blood fat (triglycerides), and often what is good in the low GI - is blacklisted on a Triglyceride diet - such as apples, oranges, peaches etc....all of which I have been consuming recently in carnivorous fashion. For the record; Everyone needs to keep in mind that 80% of your Cholesterol is produced by your body...but Triglycerides are nearly 100% dietary and exercise related.
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Luis (Bklyn NY, NY) on 07/19/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I do suffer from diabetes for several years. Several weeks ago I went to the doctor and they told me that my cholesterol was quite high 210. I began taking ACV once a day 2 tablespoons a day. In about a month time my cholesterol went down to 160 and blood pressure to 1about 120/80. I noticed that it is suggested to take at least to take the ACV twice to three times a day.Also is the unfiltered product is being used. Has anyone used the capsules? Two tablets do contain 600 mg of ACV. What have been the results of using the capsules? Appreciate comments. Thank you

Alma (St Croix, USVI) on 07/03/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I use the ACV 500 mg pills...2 pills, two to three times a day, begore meals. My Chlestrol was 257...I weighed 176 pounds...started taking them Sept. 1, 2006. December 2006, my chlestrol dropped to weight dropped to my weight is 149 and I haven't had my chlestrol checked yet. I feel great!!!
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