White Vinegar for Bladder Infections

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Jo (Calgary, AB) on 06/24/2009
5 out of 5 stars

At about 2 am i woke up and had to pee.. so i went to the bathroom and releaved myself then got back into bed right away i felt like a still had to go really bad. i tryed to go again but i didn't have to. it felt like i had to go so bad that i could sleep. i have never had a UTI before so i didnt know what it was. i went online to see if i could find some answers. after reading some things from other people i relised what i had. one women posted to drink 2 tbsps of vinager in a glass of water 3 times a day. i though gross but anything to make this go away and let me get some sleep. i went to the kitchen through it together. it was gross but i got it down and went back to bed i actually got to sleep and about an hr later i woke up feeling like i had to pee again so i got up to try. well i did have to pee this time and when i was finish the feel i had to go was gone! i was so releaved and went to sleep right away. i got up in the morning and had another glass. i dont think its gone yet but im no longer unconfortable. i used white vinager
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London (Sandusky, OH) on 06/30/2008
5 out of 5 stars

Hello everyone.
I just want to relate my intense struggle with trying to cure a Urinary tract infection. I hate going to the hospital. I have actually had doctors misdiagnose me and tell me I didn't have a UTI, when I actually did, and then be forced to return with worsened symptoms, and have them finally confirm it. Anyways, after battling my latest UTI for a month, I got desperate, and drank a glass of white distilled vinegar.
I choked it down, it wasn't easy. I was nauseous for about an hour and a half afterwards, and chased it with a couple of glasses of water, but, Guess what? My symptoms were gone the next day, I swear to God. I'm still drinking plenty of fluids, all manner of Herbal tea,etc, and cranberry supplements. About two days after drinking the vinegar, I drank, another Quarter glass, the rest of it filled with water, and drank that. Just to be sure. It worked, it's been a month, symptom free. Let me tell you, I tried, Azo, Cystex, about 10 cranberry pills a day, Alka Zeltzer, Baking soda, Lemon ginger tea, everything. Vinegar works. Results ladies!!!
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Chris (Salt Lake City, Utah) on 08/17/2007
5 out of 5 stars

Right Now I'm 18 and For My Bladder infections I've always treated them with Vinegar. What you do is get a tall clear glass and pour some vinegar into the bottom (little) and then fill glass with tap water filtered water. This is what I do so drink it down and drink a few glasses of water, wait till your bladder feels about halfway full before urninating cause the vinegar needs to be given enough time to work. When you go to the bathroom it should not hurt all. That's the cure for preventation.

First: don't take baths the water could be dirty and can somehow end up in your bladder 2nd: Wash good while showering penis needs to be washed good as well when showering.

I have Found out From my Extremely Smart parents that stuff like Soda Pop can cause Bladder infections. The cure, and this is the only cure i did, was using plain White vinegar. Turns out it gets rid of it fast but if you get the Infection in the Afternoon and was very painful I strongly recommend that you drink fresh cold filtered water for the rest of the entire day. It will do you good big time.