Remedies For Recurrent Uti for Bladder Infections

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Merrykaylady (Tempe, Az, Usa) on 06/21/2013
5 out of 5 stars

free ---from uti and bladder infection at last!!!

i have been dealing with this a long time= years... here is what i did and it worked by trial and error.

first of all i don't think you can ever be completely cured but you can help yourself a lot doing the following right when it starts. if this is chronic for you... you will know when it starts as i have. i hardly ever have a problem now by following these things.

@@@@ i recommend something that no one talks about---correct wiping. ladies even tho you are wiping correctly---be sure to buy some wet cloths so you can properly clean yourself after a b. m. if any bacteria is left on the outside it can work it's way to the front. this is critical and so easy to include in your daily habits. no one ever mentions this and it is so important.

@@@@ buy (now) slippery elm herbs and when your uti starts take two at night every night until you feel better. slippery elm will draw bacteria out of that area. it is true if you are having a colon toxic build up, and don't know it, bacteria can work it's way to the bladder hence uti.

@@@@ buy hibiscus herbs.... not just any though--it must be gaia and take as directed. increase if need be as i did. i went through three bottles of this and now i'm 95% cured. same as with slippery elm.

@@@@ keep your bladder flushed out with water and lemon or just water. drink two glasses upon rising in the morning to flush impurities out.... then one or two glasses before retiring.

@@@@ buy uva ursi extract and take 30 drops day and night.

@@@@ during the day do not hold your pee.... get rid of those impurities asap.

These are simple things to do and not very complicated. If you need to email me please feel free to do so. I have been wanting to post this for a long time but couldn't remember the website... I'm so happy I did my human duty for everyone... I really hope I have helped those that are in pain----as I said I am free---95% free and I am overjoyed over that! I just keep my eye on it with the above plan. God bless everyone.