Pilates And Chiropractic Treatments for Bladder Infections

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Jo (London, Uk) on 10/17/2009
5 out of 5 stars

recurrent bladder infections and irritable inflammed bladder beaten!

I struggled for 2 years to get this under control with antibiotics and natural remedies but I have finally been cured with pilates and chiropractic treatment. Also, you need to get the right antibiotics if you are willing to take them again but i wouldn't touch them unless you are willing to work your pelvic floors muscles and the easiest way is pilates. Your bladder may also be displaced and the nerves from your spine to your bladder may be trapped in some way. its worth getting checked. I was shocked to find i have scoliosis which explains my back ache and corrective treatment and pilates is giving me my life back from recurrent bladder infections. If you do not wish to take antibiotics again then you can use golden seal tincture. you can make it into a warm douche (let any alcohol evaporate first) and hold it inside for 15 mins, do this until you feel the infection is gone but do not use to long periods of time. I actually take oregano oil every night before bed 8 drops mixed with a tablespoon of codliver oil which is also good for inflammation.

if you do nothing else then do pilates and work those pelvic floor muscles....after only 3 1hr sessions 1 x per week my bladder feels like it should! I'm 31 by the way so I can't imagine how bad this could have got if I didn't treat it. please email me if you would like any more info as i know how desperate you can feel when these infections won't go away! best wishes