Make Sure It Is A Uti for Bladder Infections

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Lilli (Wa, Usa) on 03/09/2016
5 out of 5 stars

Before treating a UTI make sure you actually have one. I woke up one morning with all the symptoms: frequent and burning urination, spasms, and achiness. At the urgent care clinic, they took a urine sample that came out negative for bacteria, etc.

What I discovered was that my constipation (due to over use of antacids) was creating pressure on my bladder that caused the same symptoms.

This is what helped: lots of fluids including unsweetened cranberry juice, water, a splash of ACV in filtered drinking water, and non-caffeinated herbal tea (especially dandelion root tea). I added 500mg of magnesium once a day (near bedtime) to aid with the constipation. I added extra fiber to my diet including fresh kiwi, whole bran cereal, and flax and chia seed and honey in plain Greek yogurt. Also, a warm water bottle placed on my lower abdomen really helped calm the spasms.

It will take about 5-7 days, but it does work. Always find out if you have a UTI first before treating.