Hygienic Practices for Bladder Infections

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Anne (Littleton, CO) on 03/22/2007
5 out of 5 stars

My doctor told me not only to get up and urinate after intercourse, she suggested I do so in a shower, flushing with plenty of pure after after the fact. This resolved my almost life-long problem of getting UTI's frequently. Until recently. This onset I'm sure was caused by soaking in the bathtub. I had been adding bubble bath or water conditioners when I suddenly got a UTI after being free of them for several years. I knew immediately this was the cause. My recommendation is to shower for a few minutes after soaking in a bath to allow any soaps and bacteria to drain out. Cranberry juice helped the UTI but when the infection moved into my right kidney yesterday, I got really sick - fever, nausea, kidney pain. Not having any remedy available, I asked several friends to get on their knees and pray for me, which they did. This morning I am miraculously cured!
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Yana (Seattle) on 01/13/2007
5 out of 5 stars

I have had bladder infections ever since I started to have a sex life. I studied a lot of resources on the net and have tried lots of things, and I want to share what works for me best. Ever since I learned that part of the reasons for getting a bladder infection after sex is that some natural bacteria from the anus are transported into the bladder area during sex, then they just get into the bladder really easily. There are 2 things that I always combine and never get a bladder infection. First I urinate within 15 minutes, and then I wash the genitalia very well in the shower to prevent those bacteria from spreading. By doing those things I feel confident that I took care of the prevention of the infection. It works 100% for me. And I am the person who used to get them every week or so.