D-mannose for Bladder Infections

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Amanda (Seattle, Wa) on 07/11/2014
5 out of 5 stars

D-Mannose is WONDERFUL. Like many women, I've gotten UTIs all my life, particularly after sex. I wish I had known about D-Mannose a long time ago, because it would have saved me from taking many courses of Bactrim and Cipro (and, as many of you know, the more antibiotics we take, the more resistant the bacteria become). D-Mannose works by attaching to e. coli and carrying it out of the urinary tract, so it's gentle on your system, and I have never noticed any side effects.

I recommend that you use the powder, rather than the pills. I didn't find the pills to be effective, especially when there's already an infection present- they might be more effective for prevention. The powder only tastes a bit sweet, like a mild sweetener, and dissolves easily into any liquid. If I have an infection, I'll take quite a bit of it, up to two tablespoons, several times a day. And then I drink a lot of water to aid it in flushing the bacteria out. My other recommendation is to buy it online, because it will be half the price it is at a store. I use the subscribe and save program on Amazon and just have it delivered regularly so I never run out (which, as I have learned, can become an unpleasant and desperate situation resulting in buying a bottle at Whole Foods for $36). As a nurse who used to work in a nursing home, I wish doctors knew about this stuff- so many of the elderly patients always had UTIs and were constantly on antibiotics. I wish more women knew about it, too...which is why I'm posting here! I hope my post will help some poor soul find relief, without a trip to the doctor and a script for unnecessary antibiotics.

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Kelmorse (Brentwood, Tn) on 04/05/2014
5 out of 5 stars

D-Mannose powder works beautifully! I have had bladder infections since I was a child. In took-2 cranberry capsules per day for several years but eventually made my urine so acidic that I gave myself IC :/

Any way, d-Mannose is a type of sugar not absorbed by your body, it creates a barrier bw your bladder & urine preventing bacteria from sticking to the bladder wall. I have been using it for a year & have had great success! No bladder infections! I also avoid sugar. Also I found out that I'm gluten intolerant. Food allergies can manifest in the bladdeR & cause problems. Not all allergist can detect food allergies with a skin test so you might want to try a holistic doctor. Good luck.

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Art (California) on 09/07/2013
5 out of 5 stars

A friend of mine had a recurring bladder infection with e coli as the common culprit. His doctor prescribed many different antibiotics over the years and eventually they no longer worked to eradicate the infection and on the last antibiotic, his doctor told him that this was the last antibiotic that he could try for the infection as all of the others were no longer effective.

This last round of antibiotics seemed to work, but two days after completing the course, the bladder infection came back and the symptoms were worse than before.

I recommended d mannose dissolved in a 500ml bottle of water, taken at one bottle three times per day. Within 24 hours of starting, the symptoms had diminished significantly and after 72 hours, the symptoms were gone.

Since this is a recurring problem that the doctor told him he is prone to, he will likely need to use d mannose again, but at least he won't have to deal with the negative side effects of taking antibiotics anymore and e coli will never become resistant to d mannose because d mannose does not actually try to kill e coli, it merely binds to it and then allows the body to flush it out naturally. Also, d mannose has an excellent safety profile and is the ingredient in pineapple juice and cranberry juice that is effective against UTI's, however when you mix it with water, you get the positive effects without all of the sugar contained in the juices and it is much stronger than the small amount available in the juices. D mannose in water is almost tasteless, so it is easy to swallow.

The downside is that d mannose is only effective against e coli based UTI's, but the greater majority of UTI's are caused by e coli, so d mannose is probably a good first choice before resorting to antibiotics. If you don't notice improvement within 24 hours, then your uti may not be caused by e coli and you will have to look elsewhere for a resolution.


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Dewchild (Matthews, Nc, United States) on 09/14/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I have been a long time "lurker" on Earth Clinic. I first came to the site when I started having frequent UTIs, (monthly for a year) and the doctors were unable to help. I tried it all. Apple Cider, Vitamin C, Cranberry, Water. You name it. I went to two different Urologists, that basically gave me a refillable Rx for antibiotic and sent me on my way. During this time, I continued to get yeast infections, as well - from the antibiotic use. It seemed like there was a link to the yeast infection and the UTI, but my general practicioner ignored me when I mentioned it. Finally the third Dr. I saw was a Uro-Gynocologist. He had me take probiotic on a regular basis internally and also to open a probiotic capsule and put the probiotic in my vaginal cavity, so that I could restore the good bacteria there. His theory was that the antibiotics had killed all of the good bacteria in my vaginal area and by replacing it with probiotics (actually putting the probiotics in there), the good bacteria could start to flouish and kill off any bad bacteria before it made it into my bladder.

He also gave me an antibiotic. I threw the antibiotic away and used the D-Mannose instead. I did the probiotic internally and the infections never came back. It's been over a year since then, but I wanted to come and share my story in case it could help someone else.

In retrospect, I don't think I had frequent UTIs. I think I had a UTI, that never went away. I was probably resistant to all of those antibiotics and the D-Mannose did the trick. It was like a miracle for me. I haven't had an infection since, but if I do start to feel like one might be coming on, I take a dose of D-Mannose and drink lots of water! Big thanks to the Earth Clinic for helping with the healing!

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Laura (Rochester, Mn) on 02/17/2012
5 out of 5 stars

All I can say is D-Mannose, D-Mannose, D-Mannose!!! I suffered for years with UTI's. Antibiotics were a temporary fix. Finally, I got a really bad UTI. After yet another round of antibiotics, I was still suffering. I kept going back for testing & the tests came back negative. Well, SOMETHING was wrong, for I was suffering. Drowning myself in cranberry juice did nothing.

Finally read about D-Mannose. Hit it hard for a day or two & it was gone!!! I continued a maintenance dose for weeks to be sure it was gone for good. Knock on wood, that was several years ago & all has been fine since. If I do feel a bit "off", I just take D-Mannose for a day & all is good. It truly is a miracle.

I have also used it on both of my dogs with raving success. With just one day of intense dosing, they are back to normal (though I continue them on a low dose for about a week).

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Stacey (Mesa, Az) on 02/14/2012
5 out of 5 stars

D-mannose is the only thing that works for me. Now 3oz powder from Amazon is the cheapest. I always have a bottle on hand. One bottle is about 13 bucks and it takes about a bottle to cure, most of the time a little less than a bottle. If you go to the health food store, it will be triple the price, easy, but still a better option than anything else.
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Lynn (Raleigh, Nc) on 01/26/2011
5 out of 5 stars

I have had 7 UTI's in the 2 years, which I attribute to too much sex with younger boyfriend. I found out about D-Mannose from a friend last last year. I don't take drugs so I was more than happy to give it a try.

The moment I know I have a UTI, I take 1 teaspoon of the powder and drink 4 -25 oz bottles of water for 2-3 hours... I just keep drinking water and urinating it out. I do this from the early morning until 5 pm. Drinking the water each time I take a teaspoon. Lots and lots of water. It is gone by 8 pm. As a maintenance, I take 1 teaspoon once a week followed by 50 oz of water.

KF (Los Angeles, California, Us) on 01/23/2011
5 out of 5 stars

I know a lot of women are like me and have suffered from Uninary Tract Infections (UTI). After about 5 years of taking anitbiotics every few months because of a problem and having doctors tell me to drink more water and cranberry juice with little success, I finally discovered D-mannose. This is the part of cranberry that keeps the bacteria from sticking to the bladder. I take 1000mg (2 capsules) every 4-6 hours if I notice my urine get cloudy and start to feel discomfort. I do this for three days, with large amounts of fluids (water and juice) and then I can take a maintaince dose of 2 each day. As far as I can tell, your body flushes what it doesn't need and it won't upset your stomach like the acid in the cranberry juice.

As you know, UTIs can happen from a variety of exposure and often from sexual activity. Keeping water intake high keeps the system flushed. Also using the restroom after activies helps flush the urinary tract immediately. I've taken many many antibotics for (stronger and stronger) over the five years before discovering d-mannose as my natural remedy.

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Tasha (East Coast, Usa) on 09/01/2010
5 out of 5 stars

D-mannose 100% works. Not only will it blast a UTI away, but it seems to help with other female problems. Minor yeast, etc. I suffer from chronic volvodynia-like symptoms and this really helps it. Works even better in conjunction with citrical(for oxalate levels)and lots of h20. I highly recommend using the powder as the results are better than with the pills. VERY good stuff.
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Traveler (Santa Barbara, Ca, Usa) on 04/30/2010
5 out of 5 stars

I got turned onto D-Mannose by a former roommate, and while I was sucking down Apple Cider Vinegar straight and water, I was having NO LUCK!

So I bought D-Mannose from the local big-chain health food store for about $35, and while it was expensive, it worked so good and immediately! I ended up getting some $25 stuff off of Amazon, and have used that occasionally if I feel "off" to good effect, though not all the time (like right now I thought I was treating BV and it's not responded expect a little, so I treated it like trich with tea tree oil and coconut oil and that really worked-- but it's only been a few hours.

But yes- D-Mannose is a necessity for a woman's medicine cabinet.

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