D-mannose, Garlic, Alkaline Pills for Bladder Infections

5 star (1) 

Showing 5 Star Reviews

Webgal (Richmond, Va) on 10/25/2010
5 out of 5 stars

I've been having chronic, unabated urinary tract infections for years. I actually ran across this site looking for sinus infection cures and decided to share my secret for no UTIs. I was plagued with these and my life was miserable until I started doing this. How I discovered my regimen:
I was at restaurant and they served garlic soup. Right after, I realized symptoms of UTI were gone. I almost did not go to the dinner because of the pain of the UTI. Made the soup and that worked but can't make it all the time. So here is my daily regimen for keeping away UTI

Garlic pill (odorless). 1 in morning, 1 at night
1 D-mannose per day. (Sometimes when I feel symptoms, I do one at night)
Vitamin C every day. I take a liquid Vit C

Also I use an alkaline pill I found at the health food store every once in a while. No UTIs since I began doing this.