Blackstrap Molasses for Anemia

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Lynda555555 (Grand Rapids, Mi) on 07/14/2011
1 out of 5 stars


Why do you add recipes that contain milk with molasses to absorb iron? Calcium blocks the absorption of iron. Many people may get sick or worse die from inaccurate info about iron.
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Richelle (Los Angeles, California, Usa) on 06/15/2011
1 out of 5 stars

I suffer from anemia and heavy peiods with bad cramps. I tried BSM but didnt get results fast enough. Maybe I should have given it more time. I have decided to try it again but I am juicing now on a regular basis. Can I use the BSM in the juicing?
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Zen (Cairns, Australia) on 11/19/2010
1 out of 5 stars

I was diagnosed with anemia a few months back, I started out taking BSM for 1 month, when I had my iron rechecked I was really optimistic that it would have improved my iron stores but it hadn't. The iron in my blood had gone up from 11 to 19 (normal ranges are 5-30) but my ferritin had dropped even lower from 21 to 18 (normal range 30-150). I swapped to Spatone and my ferratin improved to 26 within 2 weeks.
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Kim (Philadelphia, PA) on 11/25/2007
1 out of 5 stars

About 6 months ago I found out I had very low iron levels (they were at a 7 and I think normal is a 12) The DR. put me on iron pills twice daily which did help. Than I read about the BSM and started taking it about a week or so ago instead of the iron pills. At first I thought it made me feel better and energized but now I am starting to notice some of my old symtoms coming back again like dizzy spells at night and just an overall strange feeling. I'm kind of concerned too because I read on another site that BSM really has no benefits at all and that was on I was just wondering if anyone knows if there is any truth to the article or not. I will be getting my iron levels checked soon and will find out if it is actually working or not.
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Carol (Pocatello, Idaho) on 11/07/2006
1 out of 5 stars


I work as a Nurse Practitioner in a hematology clinic. Please remember that not all patients with anemia have it because of low iron stores. Too much iron can have significant medical side effects. Therefore, I would recommend having your iron blood levels checked prior to starting any replacement iron, molasses, or other herbal products.