Blackstrap Molasses for Anemia

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Wikid Willow (Naples, USA) on 03/28/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I had SEVERE anemia after the birth of my son 29 years ago... Was already on prenatal vitamins with lots of iron. The Dr. suggested Black Strap molasses, and after the intial tast encounter, learned to LOVE it. My anemia went away and I felt better than I had in years. Great news, yes? Well, where do I find Black Strap molasses now... there is dark, etc., but I never see Black Strap! I really need to locate a source of it because my father is having some serious troubles... I think that since modern medicine cannot find or do anything for him, and based on what is happening (he is slipping away) that Black Strap cannot hurt... PLEASE HELP! Thanks.
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Connie (Rochester, NY) on 03/10/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I have always had heavy periods, and had a fibroid tumor removed several years ago. I was anemic often as a teenager, but couldn't stomach any iron pills. Now as a 40-year-old woman, I'm starting to become "normal" in terms of menstrual flow, but often feel weak and fatigued. I had my thyroid checked, but that turned out to be okay. I then figured I was probably lacking iron. I remembered reading somewhere that blackstrap molasses was high in iron. I bought an inexpensive bottle ($2.79) of House of Herbs blackstrap molasses and was quite impressed to see that one tablespoon contains 70% of the RDA for iron. For the past two months, I've been adding a tablespoon to my coffee every morning in place of sugar. It tastes great, and I haven't felt tired or drained. I see here from others' comments that molasses is also a good remedy for constipation (which had also frequently plagued me, despite my high-fiber diet and increased intake of water), and thinking back over the past several weeks, I realize that I haven't been constipated. Great to know that it works that way, too!
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Averell (Fort Washington, Maryland) on 02/27/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

Being extremely weak and anemic from my monthly cycle. I decided to try black strap molasses. I put a Tbs. in my green tea several times a day. I feel so much better, not weak,faint or light headed.My husband even got into it and he said it gave him energy. The doctor who lives next door recommended Floridine from the Natural Health Food Store, it smells and tastes just like molasses only more expensive. I wish I would have found the benefits of molasses a long time ago. I remember my mom used to have some in her kitchen cabinet and put it in baked beans.
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Debbi (Greenwich, CT) on 02/01/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I became very anemic last year almost to the point of having an endometrial ablation and blood transfusions! I took my health into my own hands and did lots of research. Blackstrap molasses (unsulfured) restored my iron levels and my energy! I still take it everyday!
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Krystal (Memphis, TN) on 12/13/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been anemic all my life. When I decided to change my eating habits and study herbalism, I came across a book that talked about how black strap molasses could shrink tumors and how high it was in iron. I use to have the ice cravings but no more. For the first time in my life I am not anemic. My mother was very surprised and has started using the product for herself. It works! I am living proof; if you're anemic, take 1 tablespoon each morning in a half cup of warm water and it will do the trick! Nature is a wonderful thing!
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Laurie (Los Angeles, CA) on 12/03/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

I use Plantation Unsulphered blackstrap molasses. It cured anemia and increased my iron levels. Prior to taking molasses again, I used otc iron pills with minimal visible results. I now take two TBS daily of the molasses, and my iron levels rose. Although the molasses tastes different, it's better to take molasses now then chemo later in life.
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Carol (Pocatello, Idaho) on 11/07/2006:
1 out of 5 stars


I work as a Nurse Practitioner in a hematology clinic. Please remember that not all patients with anemia have it because of low iron stores. Too much iron can have significant medical side effects. Therefore, I would recommend having your iron blood levels checked prior to starting any replacement iron, molasses, or other herbal products.
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Kati (Traverse City, MI) on 10/11/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

I am extremely Anemic, especially during that time of month. I have tried Iron pills and Iron efficient foods such as spinach, but nothing really helped. So I looked in a natural cure book and I found out that pure black strap molasses has a high Iron proficiency so I mixed two heaping tablespoons of molasses in a glass with 16 oz of cold milk. I drank this concoction once or twice a day. It gave me so much energy and I didn't feel so sluggish during that time of month. Plus This molasses drink tastes so good (Much better than taking it straight), and just as effective. the sad part is pure black strap molasses is kind of expensive so I am not able to take it all the time. I would appreciate it if someone knows where I could get pure molasses for a cheap price to post it on this site, as I visit it frequently to find different cures.
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Loreeli (Brodhead, WI) on 07/10/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been extremely anemic most of my life. When I was pregnant they gave me the iron pills and they will constipate you and are not even a good source of iron. I got on the House of herbs black strap molasses and it made such a difference. It has 70% iron and I haven't found any other with such high content. I lost a baby and they wanted me to have a blood transfusion, but I didn't want to so instead to build my blood back up fast, I used the black strap molasses. I was recently diagnosed with degenerative disc disease and rheumatoid arthritis and am more anemic with the disease and recently I have been so fatigued and in reading about my disease and realizing I was just extremely anemic, I got the molasses out and instantly, I felt better in my head and had more energy. I have now ran out of it and have not been able to find the House of Herbs kind anywhere. This is why I got on here and if anybody can tell me where to order it, I would sure appreciate it. It is a life saver and the difference between feeling good and not. Thank you
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Janet (Hot springs, AR) on 07/04/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

I take a tblsp of blackstrap in the morning and "chase it" with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, with the mother in it, with 3 tablespoons of warm water. In 1994, I was diagnosed with metatastic breast cancer at the age of 53. I had my femur replaced, took 10 radiation treatments and 6months of chemo. I have been on this regimen and KNOW that these things are from GOD made ingredients and, therefore, have kept me well. I have always been a borderline anemic. My blood counts are better than they have EVER been in my entire life. I believe if I had been doing these things for myself BEFORE I got cancer that I would NOT have had cancer in the first place.
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