How Do I Get My Cat to Take Apple Cider Vinegar for Cystitis?

Posted By Cathy (New York) on 12/21/2015

How do you get your cat to eat or drink Apple Cider Vinegar? I have tried everything and she will not take it. How can so many of these post say they have given it to their cats? How?

Thank you.


Replied by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 12/22/2015

Have you tried a smaller amount? An average sized cat wouldn't need much. Even 1/8 teaspoon might do the trick. Maybe in some canned tuna?

Alternately, colloidal silver is easy to get animals to take, in my experience. I just put in into their water. If other animals use the same water bowl, it is still okay; it won't hurt them. This may help your cat with cystitis - it works for people in many cases.


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