Natural Cystitis Remedies for Cats

Modified on Dec 14, 2023

Cystitis is a miserable condition for cats to endure, and painful for their owners to watch.  Fortunately, natural treatments for cystitis work often bring swift healing to cats and relief to their owners!

What is Cystitis in Cats?

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder. Often the cause is unknown. Cats with cystitis will have trouble urinating. They may make many frequent attempts to use the little box with little to no success. They may urinate outside of the litter box in places that are inconvenient - carpets, beds, counter tops and bathtubs.  A cat with cystitis may appear to be in pain. Their appetite and behavior may be affected and their abdomen may seem bloated and tender.

Cystitis is not the same thing as a urinary tract infection in cats, though the symptoms may be quite similar. Many of the remedies that work for a bladder infection in a cat work for feline cystitis as well.

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    List of Remedies for Cystitis