Need Help for Worsening Essential Tremors in Each Hand

Posted By Santosh (Madhya Pradesh) on 02/22/2016


I am 35 years old. I am suffering from essential tremor since last 19 years in my hand. Presently I am unable to writing work with my right hand because my right hand tremor is worse (only for writing work) another activity I can do easily (when I am normal) but in stress another activity also effected. So I started writing work with my left hand since last 08 years. But my left hand also effected from essential tremor since last 04 years while I am in stress or nervous or writing in front of others.Tea and less sleeping are also increase my hand tremor. I have consulted so many neuro doctors and take medicines, test like CT scan, MRI but nothing will happen. The result is zero.

EC: Dear Santosh,

Have you checked out Earth Clinic's Essential Tremors remedy page here?

Magnesium L-Threonate  is the top rated supplement for essential tremors, along with many other suggestions on this page.

If you have trouble accessing this page of remedies on your mobile phone, please let us know.


Replied by Santosh (Madhya Pradesh) on 02/23/2016

Sir, can I take the product Healthvit Magnesium Glycinate 100mg 60 Capsules?

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