Mother burned throat on hot food wound not healing

Posted By Elly (Topeka, Kansas) on 06/12/2011

My mother burned her throat on hot food a month ago. The doctor gave her steroids and when that didn't work she was given a compounded gargle that didn't work. Its been a month and the pain is worse and she feels it has spread to behind her nose area (no other symptoms). What would cause an unhealing wound in the throat that started from eating too hot food? She thinks it is either permanantly damaged nerve cells or is afriad it is cancer and is seeing a specialist soon. Anyone here have any ideas? If it helps, she is on high blood pressure, cholesterol, depression, and anxiety meds. Thanks!

Replied by Alain (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) on 06/14/2011

Answer to Elly from Topeka


Why don't you check Cayenne pepper in

or this which suggests 5 ways to to "stop" a sore throat.

Good Luck, Alain


Replied by Elly (Topeka, Kansas) on 06/15/2011

Hi Alain, thanks bunches for the links. The burn caused a little ulcer in her throat and the specialist wants to take a biopsy to make sure it isn't throat cancer. She's a little old school and is scared to put cayenne (diluted gargle) on her wound so I'll keep trying to ease her into it.

Replied by Elly (Topeka, Kansas) on 06/15/2011

Update on mom... They used a scope on her and saw a big burn in her throat. They also found fungus on it. They gave her a narcotic painkiller that isn't kicking in and an antifungal. I never heard of fungus on a throat burn. She's not open to natural remedies yet, especially since she's on various meds for depression, insomnia, high blood pressure and cholesterol and worries how they'll all react. When she has throat pain the only thing that temporarily works is OTC Orajel. She's now getting a headache with the pain.

Replied by Alain (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) on 06/15/2011

Hi again

I rethought about your mother's case. I am not quite sure what hot food meant. Hot as in spicy hot or hot as fresh from the frying pan or the oven hot.

So, now I would recommend the 2 methods that are the softest.

1-As seen in the second link of my original post, to sip on a mix of ACV & Honey. To make the solution a little more alkaline a pinch of Epsom Salt and a little lime water. The recipe for the lime water is a tablespoon or less of calcium hydroxide (pickling lime) in a gallon of clean water (spring or distilled).

2-Otherwise gargle with the peppermint flavored milk of magnesia.

Both methods will help alkalize the wounded area. Cayenne pepper is also alkalizing but it might be too strong for a burn.

If you are more interested in the Acid/Alkaline pH balance principles using simples techniques you can go to . You have to sign-up and sign-in to go into the website.

Good Luck, Alain


Replied by Alain (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) on 06/15/2011

Hi, Alain again

Here are the benefits of a mixture of ACV, honey and Epsom Salt pinch. Amoung other things, ACV provides potassium which will help the blood pressure- potassium lowers blood pressure

honey health benefits http:/

Epsom Salt - provides magnesium it will help depression and sleeping problems.

For the fungus Oil of Oregano may be of great help

The information is here and elsewhere. If they knew, people would find it. It is too bad that people are brainwashed by the big pharma/medical industry. Eventually people and your mother will have to ask for themselves: does the big pharma really cure? Or does it at best just provide ways to mask the symptoms while in fact we are going worse?

Good Luck, Alain


Replied by Elly (Topeka, Kansas) on 06/16/2011

Thanks so much Alain for this great info! I read a lot of info here and about on the net but this helps me sum it all up to help her.

Replied by Elly (Topeka, Kansas) on 06/16/2011

Hi Alain, I should've clarified she was eating rice that was way too hot in temperature. I will try to get these products ASAP. Much appreciated your info here!

Replied by Jholl (Louisville, Ky) on 06/16/2011

I would suggest marshmellow (herb) or slippery elm to soothe the throat. Recently I have learned about glycerin. I think in small quantities, like maybe a half teaspoon, it would be safe to swallow. It can be used as a mouthwash. It does have anti fungal properties. There is information on the internet about glycerin.

Then, I would take a few drops of oil of oregano or grapefruit seed extract every day, several times a day for a week or two to help quell the fungus.

Best wishes!


Replied by Elly (Topeka, Kansas) on 06/17/2011

Hi Jholl, thanks for the info. Today she tried diluted ACV and H202 in a big glass of water but it brought her a lot of pain. I'll look into these things for her!

Replied by Elly (Topeka, Kansas) on 06/23/2011

New update on mother's throat. After using the diluted raw ACV in water mix she said it burned and felt her throat got worse. She used it once and she rinsed it out with plain water. She now won't take try any natural remedy so it's frustrating. The doctor prescribed liquid hydocodeine isn't doing anything for her pain and not sure if the antifungal is working. Its over a month later and she complains her pain is worse than ever and her voice is starting to go hoarse. Just be careful recommending natural remedies to people, even family and friends. Her throat problem was getting worse even before she tried a natural remedy but since she knows little of how remedies have helped people, she's now quick to blame it on that. I just worry when she tells her doctor she tried it he's just going to further validate that natural remedies are quacks.

My general doctor was trying to tell me that acid or alkaline body causing or healing disease was a bnuch of unproven quackery. But we can see on this site many people get relief. Unfortunately for her its just better for her and less stressful for me that she sticks to regular medicine despite its not really working. The way the courts are today you don't want to get in trouble for what they might call practicing medicine without a license so be careful.


Replied by Alain (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) on 06/24/2011

Hi Elly

I am sorry to hear about your mother.

What I might say is that: may be if it was "burning", could it be because it was effective in healing? It is like when you put iodine over a scratch, it burns but it sterilized. Did you mix the ACV with Honey? Maybe reduce the concentrations of ACV and Honey?

And about the doctor's comments about pH balance, he just showed his ignorance.

Just see the research papers done by scientists:

Good Luck and God bless you for trying to help your mother.



Replied by Kay (In The Valley, Ca) on 06/24/2011

Sorry to hear about your Mom. Two things that I would recommend would be raw Manuka Honey and/or extra virgin coconut oil. Just take them straight with a spoon, small doses (1/2 to 1 tsp. ) many times a day. Maybe every hour or so for a few days until she gets some relief. Don't dilute them, and let them trickle down the throat as slow as possible, and don't drink afterwards. When my son was around two years old, he got oral herpes from somewhere and he was in terrible pain. The inside of his mouth was covered in sores. We tried many things from the Doc. And nothing relieved his pain until the Dentist told us to swab the inside of his mouth with honey as much as needed for pain relief. It was fantistic - worked like a charm. Wishing you luck.

Replied by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia) on 06/24/2011

I agree with Carly, Elly, your comments are a bit out of line, especially since you came to this website and asked for help.

I don't think you should force anyone to try anything they don't want to. Most people on this site are on it for themselves and appreciate trying anything. I don't think I have read anything that puts people in danger but I have read many many people who have been helped after being in agony for many many years.

If the Doctors can help your mum good luck.


Replied by Elly (Topeka, Kansas) on 06/24/2011

Carly & Debbie, lets keep the posts positive and constructive. It seems you both misunderstood the point of my post. I am very much for folk remedies. I was merely warning fellow users to be careful when sharing some of remedies with family or friends who aren't into folk remedies and who might get jumpy or suspicious if it they don't work or if there symptoms just happen to get worse. As I wrote before, I noted her symptoms were getting worse on their own for several weeks but she was quick to blame it on a natural remedy. I was just a littler nervous how her doctor was going to react if she tells him her daughter gave her a natural remedy to try and help her.

Because a number of year's back, we had a folk healer who got arrested for giving urine injections. This folk healer helped many people that regular docs couldn't help. But one the ladies he was trying to help got a little infection and went to a regular doc and told him about the folk healer who ended up getting charged with practicing medicine without a license. And seeing in recent years how the government around the world have been cracking down on alternative healers and supplements, I just wanted to warn users here to be careful. When I gave her the folk remedy I asked her if she'd like to try something more natural, nobody pressured her. I just didn't expect her reaction. I was just trying to say in my previous post that its hard to watch my mom suffer and to see her only wanting to use regular meds that haven't been working. I know regular meds can have horrible side-effects.

My husband and I have no trouble using the folk remedies and if there was any problem we don't make a big deal to it. We just don't mention it to regular docs who aren't open-minded. We do try to choose docs who are but that's not always an option for us. Maybe writing all of this would have clarified things better for some but I had a busy week and wanted to not take up too much room here.


Replied by Elly (Topeka, Kansas) on 06/24/2011

Hi Alain, I thought the same to, that it might be a sign of healing. When I visited her last, I mixed a small amount of organic ACV in a big glass of water just for her to try. We didn't have honey on hand. Even this has helped me when I get the occasional burning from reflux. The problem is she is afraid and not willing to try anything more because of the "burning. " Initially I didn't know she was going to easily feel this way. Lord knows the burning I initially felt when I put 50/50 magnesium on some eczema (like a jellyfish sting) but it really helped heal the skin. Once the skin was more healed, the magnesium didn't really burn, so I know what you mean. Thanks a lot for your post and God bless you.

Replied by Elly (Topeka, Kansas) on 06/24/2011

Hi Kay, wow that's amazing what the honey did for your son. Alain mentioned honey too. I will definitely get some Manuka or EVCO for her and hope she'll consider giving it a try. Will look for it in the supermarket or a health food store. Thank you!

Replied by Courtney (Granite Bay, Ca) on 06/24/2011

Elly - "Practicing medicine without a license" (??) That's a stretch, don't you think? It's absurd. I would liken the ridiculousness of that comment to someone accusing McDonalds of causing their obesity or their hypertension.

In all of your posts, what jumped out most to me, was that despite your mother's doctor prescribing many different medications to help her, none of them worked! (So much for pharmaceutical medications. ) In fact, despite conventional med's, her throat discomfort became worse and worse, not better.

Nothing that anyone posted attemtping to help your mom was anything that could have a. )hurt her, or b. )worsened her condition. They are things found in our pantry's.

Regardless, I hope your mom feels better soon.


Replied by Elly (Topeka, Kansas) on 06/24/2011

Courtney, I don't consider people using folk remedies or sharing them with others as "practicing medicine without a license. " It's a stretch and absurd for the government to have punished some people for doing so. True the steroids, special gargle, or hydocodeine haven't helped with her pain. Though the hydocodeine is usually very good in relieving pain for hubby's past work injuries. I have no idea how long prescription antifungals take to kick in.

I'm not blaming any remedy posted here that it could have hurt or worsened her condition besides a little "burning. " I'm just going to get her some honey and hope for speedy healing too. Thanks.


Replied by Alain (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) on 06/24/2011

ACV HONEY for sore throat. Ok, I will make it clearer.

My second post mentioned ACV honey and refered to

"Using some Top Quality Pure Apple Cider Vinegar and some Top Quality Raw unfiltered and unheated Honey, mix equal amounts of the ACV & Honey together in a cup and thru-out the day take a spoonfull of this mix to keep
mouth and Throat coated!
" I also sugested to maybe add a pinch of Epsom Salt.

Here are the benefits of a mixture of ACV, honey and Epsom Salt pinch. Amoung other things, ACV provides potassium which will help the blood pressure- potassium lowers blood pressure

honey health benefits http:/

Epsom Salt provides magnesium it will help depression and sleeping problems.

Now, the mix might be too strong in the beginning, so just dilute it with water and increase progressively.

Sorry, I forget that what seems obvious for me is not for those unfamilar with these protocols.

I hope this will make things clearer.

Also, when people start to take responsibilities for themselves and their healths they also have to do their own researchs and try to understand why the protocols work. It requires a lot of reading. This is also required in order to deprogram ourselves from years of continuous brainwashing from the big pharma. Let me assure you, it is time well spent.

Good Luck, Alain


Replied by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia) on 06/25/2011

Elly, I suggested the other day to try Colloidal Silver on your mum's throat. Please read how this has help many people. For your mum's throat you should use some in a spray bottle and spray down her throat. Some people with bad throat infections had almost instantaneous relief. Colloidal silver is also used for burns with great results. It is antibacterial, antifungal amongst other things.

There is much info on the web. I would spend some time researching it because it has amazing results.


Replied by Lily (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) on 06/27/2011

Hi Elly, my doctor always has a bit of a giggle at the natural remedies I try or at least gives me a look of amusement. I told him some people were using Apple Cider Vinegar on skin cancers and he said quite casually 'oh yes well it is an acid I suppose'. Just use what you think is going to work and if you advise others and they ignore the advice then 'so be it'. Most people I suggest a natural remedy to look at me like I just landed from outer space. Oh well that is their loss. Cheers Lily.

Replied by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 06/29/2011

Hi Elly and Kay, I have just read a very interesting book about honey. Amazing what it can do for you! Little by little I will be posting here whatever I try, be it for beauty care or to treat any ailment. Unfortunately the little book is in French, reason why I won't be reviewing it here but if anybody who reads French want the name I can post it! It is a wonderful little collection with so many ideas and recipes for all kinds of uses.... Right now I am reading one on grapes and anything to do with them! I have already made a face mask with honey, am taking Acacia Honey with my tea before I go to bed to try to stop me from getting up during the night to go to the bathroom (which is actually working most of the times! ). I have already found all kinds of honey which I will be trying when I have the time!

Replied by Elly (Topeka, Kansas) on 07/05/2011

Hi Debbie, Lily, Francisca, thanks for the great info!

My mom said her throat was finally recovering from the prescribed meds but I bought her some of the natural things recommended here - they'll be there should she need them. I certainly will use them if not, cheers (:


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