Lipase Help Peripheral Artery Disease?

Posted By Wydo (Ca, United States) on 05/15/2016

Hi, I have a question. Has anyone tried lipase? It's a fat digesting enzyme. I would think that lipase on an empty stomach first thing in the morning would just go right into the intestines and be absorbed into the blood and digest the fat there. I have also read that polyunsaturated fats can stick in the villi of the small intestines and clog that all up so lipase should help with that as well. Can anyone let me know what they find out on this or if this would help for plaque.

Replied by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 05/16/2016

Hello Wydo;

There will be plaque build up if insufficient amounts of natural vitamin E is taken (natural E is "d-alpha tocopherol not "dl-alpha tocopherol" .... the "l" means it is synthetic. Most E is missing now from our foods. So supplementation is needed. I take 400 IUs daily (up to 800). E does dozens of different things in the system including involved in oxygen delivery to the muscles (the heart is a muscle). Start with 200 IUs and build up to 400. Make sure to take 500 mg of magnesium daily as this is vital to heart health also there is a remedy on Earth Clinic under the Ailments - Heart Disease section that supposedly can eliminate plaque build rapidly; it uses a blended combo of garlic, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar and I think beet juice.

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Replied by Timh (Ky) on 05/17/2016

I agree with Dave on the Vit-E and be sure and use a Broad Spectrim Vit-E. Other nutrients in the regimen for heart disease prevention is Vit-C & Lysine, and Grapeseed Extract.

For cleaning already clogged arteries many folks are getting good results with the herbals Dave suggested and here is more info for this remedy



Replied by Wydo (Ca) on 05/17/2016

Hi Dave, good advise on the d-alpha tocopherol. I have been using d-tocotrienol but for other things.

My thought here was if lipase can digest fat then why couldn't it digest fat in the arteries if taken first thing in the morning before food? Maybe it could be used as part of a protocol for reducing plaque. I just thought maybe someone thought of it before me and had developed some research on it. My idea wasn't to replace other remedies but to maybe add another good remedy to them. Because plaque build up in the arteries is very serious then why not build an arsenal of remedies. Maybe I was just over thinking this. Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks,


Replied by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 05/17/2016

Hi Wydo...You are certainly on the mark with using lipase for getting rid of fat deposits that constrict arteries and veins. In combination with other stalwarts like niacin, magnesium and serrapeptase, lipase also helps to digest away the accumulated fats or cholesterols in veins and arteries, which are normally all made from a protein/fat combination. I have known that lipase works well for these problems because Ted has also recommended using larger amounts of lipase in the past, particularly for other problems like difficult-to-reach varicose vein problems, thrombosis and anuryisms at the peripheries of the body such as occurs at the head, hands and feet. Lipase is very effective for this and quite cheap which is also a big plus.
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Replied by Wydo (Ca) on 05/18/2016

Thank you again, Bill. This is really for my spouse. She just had an angiogram and the cardiologist found she had a plug in her one of her large artery near her heart. They also found where her body did some bridging around the artery. The problem is the bridge artery is smaller than the original artery and we do not like that. Her one leg is pinker than the other.

So I have another question if you don't mind? What are the larger amounts of lipase that Ted spoke of? I would like to boost her amount up to that.

Thanks again.

Replied by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 05/19/2016

Hi Wydo... Ted doesn't actually mention dosages with lipase but he does recommend it together with other remedies for thick blood, varicose veins, allergies, rosacia, acne etc which are all conditions normally associated with high fat in the diet and in the blood. See this post by Ted.

Lipase is a non-poisonous natural enzyme for the body so I would no worry to much about specific dosages. Dr Gonzalez successful Metabolic Cancer Therapy mainly relied on taking large amounts of natural enzymes every day. In his protocol patients averaged taking 150 pills a day -- the majority of which were natural digestive enzymes.

Generally, fat deposits in the arteries are also associated with an excess calcium status in the blood so a reduction of calcium in the diet as well as taking Chanca piedra, magnesium or EDTA etc will certainly help to reduce the dangerous blood calcium levels causing the thick blood.

And then there is also Linus Pauling's well known and successful cure for arteriosclerosis and heart disease. Dr Pauling's website describes how to use Vitamin C with Lysine for severely blocked arteries. And I would also strongly urge you to watch the all videos on this site -- where Pauling himself describes direct testimonial evidence of success using his Vitamin C/Lysine therapy. Generally this one just involves taking powdered Vitamin C and Lysine both mixed in water -- both at a dosage and frequency of 1000mgs and taken 6 to 8 times a day. Drink green tea for the tannins which also aids in fat removal from the arteries. This method seems to reduce arterial blockages fairly quickly and have a high success rate but perhaps does take a little bit more effort on a daily basis.

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Replied by Wydo (Ca) on 05/19/2016

Thanks again Bill. I have everything that you mentioned that I have been taking myself that was part of my anti cancer protocol. Including 3 kinds of vitamin C, which are ascorbic acid, Sodium ascorbate, ascorbal palmatate and I can make a 4th. I have the EDTA and sodium theosulfate in liquid that is in an aquarium de-chlorinator that Ted mentioned in a post a long time ago. I went to my local chain pet store and looked up the MSDS for all the ones they carried and bingo I found the one. I put some in a little glass dropper bottle that I take everywhere with me. I can get my wife to put it in her tea.

I have several pounds of green tea around the house but I can't get her to drink that but I do have green tea extract and she will take that if I cap it up for her.

I'm really glad you pointed out the information on Linus Pauling. I will be checking into all of that as you suggested. Now the big thing is to get my wife agreeing and on this protocol before she gets to far into the statins that the doctor prescribes. I am also interested in nattokinase and what that will do for her. I know it will thin the blood and she needs that right now but I want to know what else it will do. I will be researching it.

Blessings to you

Replied by Wydo (Ca) on 05/19/2016

Thanks again Bill. I have everything that you mentioned that I have been taking myself that was part of my anti cancer protocol. Including 3 kinds of vitamin C, which are ascorbic acid, Sodium ascorbate, ascorbal palmatate and I can make a 4th. I have the EDTA and sodium theosulfate in liquid that is in an aquarium de-chlorinator that Ted mentioned in a post a long time ago. I went to my local chain pet store and looked up the MSDS for all the ones they carried and bingo I found the one. I put some in a little glass dropper bottle that I take everywhere with me. I can get my wife to put it in her tea.

I have several pounds of green tea around the house but I can't get her to drink that but I do have green tea extract and she will take that if I cap it up for her.

I'm really glad you pointed out the information on Linus Pauling. I will be checking into all of that as you suggested. Now the big thing is to get my wife agreeing and on this protocol before she gets too far into the statins that the doctor prescribes. I am also interested in nattokinase and what that will do for her. I know it will thin the blood and she needs that right now but I want to know what else it will do. I will be researching it.

Blessings to you.

Replied by Timh (Kentucky) on 05/20/2016

W: Good to hear of your progress in the area of natural Healing and with the expert advice of our Bill.

If I may add, concerning the statins, Dr Sinatra, renowned cardiologist with a good deal of interests in his patients, recommends a minimal or very minimal dose, as the drugs are quite toxic and damaging to the body. He, among many other experts, recommends always take CoQ10 with the statins as they deplete this wonderful nutrient. CoQ10 works best by adding Selenium & Broad Spectrum Vit-E.

The nutrient Carnitine also works well with the CoQ10 and is a direct fuel source for the heart and helps remove fat from organs & tissues throughout the body.

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Replied by Ben (Bremerton Wa ) on 05/19/2016

Lipase is a digestive enzyme which is responsible for digestion of fats. Its main action is in the digestive system. It is not a systemic enzyme capable of removing atherosclerotic plaque.

On the other hand systemic enzymes are not digestive enzymes. Systemic enzymes are designed to work through the bloodstream.

The role of a systemic enzyme includes removal of atherosclerotic plaque that plugs arteries.

Nattokinase acts very powerfully on blood clots. It thins the blood the proper amount and stops there.

Serrapeptase is the strongest systemic enzyme. It has powerful fibrinolytic activity and it eats atherosclerotic plaque as in the case you mentioned.

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Replied by Wydo (Ventura Ca) on 09/28/2016

Hi Ben, I agree with what you said and everyone else as well. There is also a new enzyme called lumbrokinase that show some good promise as well. A very important aspect of this is what Linus Pauling said, that all this stuff is a bandage for faulty veins. The veins need the help of the vitamin C to rebuild the collagen that makes the veins stronger and more supple. Getting rid of all the stuff in the veins without this would be a big mistake. So I am having her take vitamin C with L-lysine several times daily. Another good thing to do after a while is to start on vitamin D3 with K2. K2 is found in abundance in natto as well as nattokinase and there is not much of it anywhere else in our diet. Vitamin K2 is a very good way to help de calcify the veins and the body. Anything that is a nutrient that helps is something that was needed all along and we are just not getting it in out foods anymore. Healthy gut bacteria helps to make it but most people are low in this especially if you have any health problems.
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