Cottonmouth Water Moccasin Snakebite - Will Turmeric Help?

Posted By Sondra (Georgia) on 01/31/2017

About 7 months ago, on July 23,2016, ( approx. at 3:30 am) I heard my 2 cats outside my front door and went outside to bring them inside, (they were directly at my front door playing, so I go stand outside the door, to get them to come in.) while I stood there calling them, I noticed that they were less than a foot away from me. Anyway to make a long story short, they were playing with what I thought was the neighbors black pet 🐇.

So I go over to pick the rabbit up, and get them inside, when I seen my gray cat jump forward, and my black cat backed up really fast, so I jumped back, and that's when I seen the white mouth come at me and bite me on the upper inside part of my right leg. My right leg, ankle and calf immediately started swelling, and burning. Went yo the local hospital ER Dept., and got medical attention, which consisted of laying on the hospital bed, leg propped up, while they monitored the swelling. Poison control was called, test were done, type snake and not confirmed, it was a cotton mouth water moccassin, not adult stage yet. There was no Antivenom given, they didn't have any, and was searching for it.

I was released, about 5 hrs later, and told to go home, and stay completely off of it, and stay propped up. According to the test, the venom went in my calf muscle, and poison control said, that it could take up to a year to get rid of all venom from my body. I've had several bad problems arise, since bit, like severe fatigue, painful swollen joints, nerves and muscles, especially in my right knee, ( which never had a problem with knee before). As well as my right arm, hand and fingers actually cramp up so bad, they lock up in a fist, and I can't open it.

So my question is what can I do to get the help and info I need to rid myself of the cottonmouth snake venom safely and quickly, so maybe I can return to a life of no more toxic poison in my body and be able to live pain free again? Will turmeric spice work for this, and how and what do I do, to make it work?

Praying for your answer soon, thank you.


Replied by Wendy (Columbus, Oh) on 02/01/2017

It sounds as if you need to get a referral to a hospital, that has the anti-venom, from your primary doctor, assuming you have one. However, I Googled this issue, and discovered hospitals generally don't carry anti-venom (cost vs. need, of course) because the shelf-life is relatively short, apparently there's not much need for it (except for you, of course!), and the cost of the anti-venom is at least $10,000.00!! That really blew my mind!

Here's a link re contacting the Poison Control Center:

Here's a link to the Georgia poison control center:

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Replied by Deirdre (Los Angeles, Ca) on 02/01/2017

Hi Sondra,

I am so sorry to hear you are going through this.

You might want to contact my friend and colleague from Atlanta, Cari Cater (office in Smyrna) and see if she can treat this. I know she has treated residual issues from a copperhead bite. She used to work at Progressive Medical Center before starting this office. She's fantastic.

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Replied by Wendy (Columbus, Oh) on 02/01/2017

I also just read EarthClinic's posted remedies for snakebite. It sounds as if activated charcoal might really help you. See this EC link:

Replied by Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn) on 02/01/2017

SONDRA,,,,,,,, you might inquire with Progressive Medical Center in Atlanta where I get my Prolozone shots. They do all sorts of alternative IV treatments and may can help you.

I handled snakes in my youth and most all varieties will get out of the way or give you warning, except the cotton mouth. That is the most aggressive of the poisonous snakes. When aroused, they put off an odor that smells like a goat. When I have been in the woods hunting and get that smell, I get nervous and start searching and get out of that area.

My Mississippi Grand Dad was bitten by a cotton mouth one Sunday while helping some New Orleans guys search for buried gold in the swamps near his home. He came in caught a chicken cut it open and put it on the bite. Later he treated the site with coal oil and recovered. He said the Lord was punishing him for skipping church and looking for gold.

Still have my Boy Scout snake bite kit, but they say not to cut and suck out the poison any more. They say to put ice on it to slow the poison absorption. I was bitten by a corn snake while trying to catch it at our farm. It bit me on the thumb and and bled profusely because of the anti-coagulant in their saliva.

Sorry, I could not be of more help.



Replied by Bob (Murphy, Nc) on 02/02/2017

Hi ... 7 months ago is far too late, dear. The venom must now be gone. You probably are recovering from the damage done. Too bad, because Jim Humble discovered that MMS destroys some, or all, snake venoms and other poisons, such as food poisoning.

Replied by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 02/03/2017


Re the snake bite:

Like any kind of bite .... tick, spider etc you might have additional to the poison also other pathogens that came with the bite. I had a spider bite 7 years ago between two toes and effects are still present. I did not treat it for a month and that was a serious mistake.

Remedy for bites: Apply immediately the herb in liquid form Echinachea. Apply and let dry and keep applying for at least 5 times. And take the Echinachea ... 5 drops in a glass of water three three times daily for a week. NEXT, take two tablespoons of colloidal silver daily on empty stomach for 6 MONTHS. Maybe a year depending on symptoms. Finally, apart take charcoal caps, 2 a day for a month. And/or in place of charcoal, "healing clay" which is available in health food stores. When I'm trying to cleanse an internal pathogen I take a half teaspoon of clay powder and dissolve in warm water and drink. I do that every day for a week. I also apply topically in a paste form to any bad bite to absorb toxins.

Even though you are starting late after the bite you still could benefit from the list of remedies above.

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