Is ACV Acidic or Alkaline?

Question by Phil on 07/22/2007

Apple Cider Vinegar is perhaps the best food you can put into your body. By the way is Apple Cider Vinegar acidic or alkaline Thank you, Phil

Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand)

Dear Phil: It depends. If the body has sufficient bicarbonate reserves the apple cider vinegar becomes alkaline as it reacts with the bicarbonate to form malates and acetates, which is a good buffer for the body. However, if the body has insufficient bicarbonates reserve than it becomes somewhat acid forming.

Generally the best ways to determine whether the apple cider vinegar is acid forming or alkaline forming is to measure the urinary pH after about an hour or so after taking them.

Most people, generally do not have sufficient bicarbonates reserve due to the diets being generally low in bicarbonates anyway. It is the same thing I have experienced with vitamin C ascorbic acid.

Everytime I take that my urine becomes acid, so it varies from person to person.

One way to make sure it is consistently alkaline is to add enough baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) where when it is reacted initially the pH becomes relatively neutral. So the remedy of 2 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar plus 1/4 teaspoon initial pH should be close to 7, but if allowed to react longer, becomes more alkaline forming where the pH is about 7.4- 7.5, which is generally closer to the blood pH. So the equilibrium is what I try to achieve, either equilibrium with a neutral pH, or equilibrium where the properly reacted food pH is near 7.4, making that close to the body's pH. It is therefore ideal for the food to resemble in many ways the chemistry of a normal body's biochemical parameters.


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