Distilled Okay for Water Therapy?

Question by Josh (Glencoe, IL) on 02/23/2007

Distilled water flushes nutrients from your body, and becomes acidic because it absorbs the CO2 from the air. I wonder how Ted feels about this

Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand)

Dear Josh: Distilled water is not safe, it lacks bicarbonates and minerals and yes, it is acid forming to the body. Part of the reason why our body is acid is that it lacks enough bicarbonates necessary to neutralize the acid. If the minerals are lacking, the body is quite often deprived of mostly magnesium and calcium. In certain cases it is possible to re mineralized the water by adding enough fulvic acid to get a very light brown color and adding enough bicarbonates (from baking soda), as well as magnesium and calcium which is often rich in a good quality sea salt. The reason I mentioned this is even ordinary filtered water are also devoid in some ways of magnesium, bicarbonates and mineral during the filtration process, especially those people who use Reverse Osmosis water. In some cases some people had to use Reverse Osmosis water, with added sea salt, baking soda for example because of high free radical heavy metals present in our drinking water such as mercury, lead, copper, cadmium, etc.

Whenever the water lacks the proper bicarbonates to neutralize the water in a distilled water your body basically becomes acid. Long term acidity causes acid blood, which is like acid rain, causes the calcium from the bones to be leeched out and as a result, the tissues and organ have too much of calcium clogging the system.

Therefore distilled water is generally not recommended as a regular drinking water, since most of our body usually receives bicarbonates from the water we drink than from the food we eat.

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