Water Cures

Healthy Water, Healthy Body: Home Cures from Water!

Modified on Mar 21, 2023

Water--the forgotten nutrient! Eight glasses, 75% of our body by volume, the elixir of life, yada, yada, yada... Even as much as we talk about how important proper hydration is to human health, nothing is easier than to forget to drink enough water. Most of us, in fact, seem to be dehydrated most of the time.

Getting the safest water to drink has likewise become a crucial part of our daily healthcare habits. The debate between tap water and bottled, filtered vs. distilled or dechlorinated, etc. and the nutritional value of spring water has become as intense as any in the natural health community. Our readers have something to say about the relative values of each water source or water filtration option below.

Natural Remedies: Water can have a strong remedial effect on conditions like diabetes, skin ailments, constipation, and high blood pressure. However, there is virtually no health condition or area of general health that can't benefit from getting enough to drink each day. Older men in particular should pay attention to proper hydration, as their bodies less effectively recognize or signal dehydration as the years go along.

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    List of Remedies for Water