Can I Take My Daily Dose All at Once?

Question by Kim on 04/02/2007

Could you please tell me if it is alright to take all my vinegar in one dose in the morning instead of throughout the day Some days it is just impossible to stop and take my vinegar. Thanks, Kim

Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand)

Dear Kim: That would amount to about 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, and 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda mixed in 1 full glass of water in one single dose. If taken at that dose and dilution, on an empty stomach should not cause a problem. If you want to take this, it is best taken during the late evening hours. In some rare case some people may get a mild diarrhea, but not likely since the pH is about 7 and it is diluted sufficiently.

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