Why Do I Feel Wired Taking Lime

Question by Deidre (Sydney, Australia) on 12/13/2011

Question for Ted I have been taking your wonderful remedy of bicarb soda and lime juice for five days now and want to continue taking it. Unfortunately, I started to feel completely wired (all buzzed up) and I don't sleep well while taking it!

I do have chronic fatigue syndrome and sleeping hasn't always been great (especially when I introduce new remedies or supplements) however, I really wanted to take this remedy for my candida and multiple chemical/food sensitivities.

Ted, can you please tell me what I can do to reduce this feeling of hyperactivity in my body Should I continue to take this remedy and hope it improves (since I have only taken it for 5 days) or should I change to another remedy

Look forward to hearing from you.



Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 03/21/2012

Try taking B3 500 mg before you sleep and lugol's solution just one drop. To help the body relax further try chlorophyll and melatonin before sleep. For chronic fatigue I would try lysine 1/4 teaspoon every hour for 3 hours before sleep also may help.

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