No Remedies Are Working!

Question by N on 08/17/2007

Hi thank you for your reply,

Magnesium should generally be used in such as 250 mg, mixed in a glass of water or for some sensitive people 100 -250 mg with plenty of water.

So no pills I have Mag Citrate pills from Thorne research are they ok The stuff I took that helped me feel good was a mix of different magnesiums but then my stomach hurt. I really liked Mag. Glycinate I could feel an instant boost overall but it killed my stomach.

The other cause of brain fog I have found had to do with heavy metals. I had two hair tests done when I first became ill - no signs of heavy metal issues if they are to be trusted. I had the merc taken out of my teeth before I got sick (just before) and after I got sick I got my three root canals properly removed. None of this proved to help in any way. I did a buttload of chelation anyways and it did nothing.

Of course, getting an analysis for most people are expensive, and it is cheaper at least for me to follow on that assumption and try eating only a small amount of chinese parsley on an empty stomach a couple of leaves once every two days, or add those in soups, taken once every two days.

Ironically, I did buy some of this a few hours before I wrote you just because I was worried about what else that mag oil may contain. It can't hurt to use the cilantro I'm guessing. Just hate the taste.

Finally two more remedy helpful for brain fog is the vitamin b complex, taken once every two days or three days, plus perhaps once in the morning 3 drops of H2O2 3% in one glass of water plus 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda should help complete the problem.

For some reason b complex's make me nauseated. I can tolerate Nutritional Yeast but Brewer's Yeast makes me sick. I've yet to find a B cplx that I like. The remedy is usually taking aspirin, Can't take aspirin, make my back hurt the next day all over. I find with the period issues the Magnesium helped immensely, I know I am dealing with undiagnosed endometriosis though and that poses some issues that I have mildly been able to deal with thru I can't have anything estrogenic - not primrose oil in fact all oils - minus olive seem to add to the misery. I can't take any estrogenic herbs at all - milk thistle, turmeric, MSM and even Stevia can make a hellish nightmare for me. Nearly everything that is normal to help pms or liver cleansing is not ideal for me unfortunately, believe me I tried!

In summary it is the lowered antioxidant levels, heavy metal toxicity, acidosis, and improper kinds of magnesium being used that is the problem, rather than the issue of water.

How much water is ok to drink Does it ever stop running right thru ya I would like to leave the house and not have to whiz every ten minutes. Ok, I appreciate your time so much and will go mix up my lime and non aluminum bkg soda now. Thanks, N


Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand)

Dear N:

So no pills I have Mag Citrate pills from Thorne research are they ok

That would be fine.

The stuff I took that helped me feel good was a mix of different magnesiums but then my stomach hurt. I really liked Mag. Glycinate I could feel an instant boost overall but it killed my stomach.

Add plenty of water such as a full glass, the water will buffer the stomach and the magnesium is dissolved in the glass, fully diluted. In case if there is some kind of very weak form of acid reflux in which case alkalizing should kill whatever microbes that seems to act up. One easy one to kill whatever microbes is there is a weak solution of milk of magnesia (without the aluminum, such as one teaspoon per 1/2 glass of water. If it magnesium glycinate is a problem (it might be food for certain microbes) then a more safer form appears to be the magnesium citrate).

The other cause of brain fog I have found had to do with heavy metals. I had two hair tests done when I first became ill - no signs of heavy metal issues if they are to be trusted.

It takes several months of heavy metal before it shows up in the hair. If you are sure you don't have heavy metal then it is also unlikely there's any negative reaction from eating a handful of chinese parsley. A person with overloaded heavy metal would react quite negatively at this dose as the heavy metals are being detoxed too rapidly.

In which case if heavy metals is not a problem (after the chinese parsley test), then its likely the urine pH is below 6.5, an acidosis can also initiate a brain fog, but on the other hand, lack of vitamin B complex, not enough lecithin, or magnesium can do the same too.

I had the merc taken out of my teeth before I got sick (just before) and after I got sick I got my three root canals properly removed. None of this proved to help in any way.

People who got out the mercury sooner before getting sick will likely get sick after the removal because some mercury is deposited during the removal just the same.

Assuming mercury is not the issue, then the other things down the line is an amino acid imbalance, essential oils, and vitamin B complex is what I will give a look, assuming of course the blood sugar is not too high or too low as those can initiate some brain fog just the same but with some other additional symptoms.

I did a buttload of chelation anyways and it did nothing.

If you are sure, then try the final chinese parsley and see how you that works. It's cheap and easy to find out. In which case it is best to look at other causes, such as the deficiency mentioned or alkalization.

One more thing -- There were a couple of cases of brain fog I remembered, assuming it's not heavy metal that was relieved by vitamin B complex, and alkaline (baking soda with 3 drops 3% hydrogen peroxide), one using magnesium and in another case was relieved by L-Glutathione. The Glutathione apparently detoxed the liver and body from toxins which were causing the brain fog.


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