Liver Detox and Skin Issues

Question by V (Anon) on 09/20/2012

Hi Ted, thanks for replying to me earlier. It was much appreciated. I have had additional testing done and here is what is going on with me, to the best of my knowledge. [...] cherry angiomas on skin [...] general fatigue since childhood, significant muscle tightness since childhood, lots of antibiotics when younger, including pneumonia, recent testing revealed, low levels of B vitamins, CoQ10, Vitamin E, Potassium, Magnesium, high levels of Calcium, Mercury, Arsenic, moderate Lead, huge over work on the liver, lots of food allergies, negligible stomach acid [...] I look forward to your input. I have enjoyed reading your posts very much! From your writings I think that my primary issue stems from lack of iodine from the pizza pasta diet.

Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 09/21/2012

It appears that you are missing selenium, 200 mcg x 2 or 3 a day may help clear the liver and NAC (N acetyl Cysteine) 250 mg x 3. These two will help the liver detox by supporting the glutathione. The Selenium yeast will also help your thyroid function, and most men are low on zinc (gluconate or acetate), and lithium 2.5 mg will also help the iodine TSH also. NAC and B complex will also help your stomach acid, especially the Betaine HCl that is taken with every meal. Magnesium that is preferred is magnesium citrate or magnesium gluconate will protect against heavy metal poisoning. Other forms of magnesium may not suit the conditions you mentioned. Gluconate form protects against excitotoxins methyl d aspartate but also make sure no calcium is added to supplements and no sugar due to acidosis and calcium in tissues.

Liver depletion of B complex and vitamin C is common, but also for the gastrointestinal tract, vitamin A, vitamin B12 (500 mcg per day before sleep) and vitamin D will also help. General fatigue is usually a need for vitamin D3 (10,000 iu/day), selenium yeast, N acetyl cysteine, B12 1000 mcg a day, and natural vitamin E. Constipation is caused by low alkalinity and is helped with sodium bicarbonate, but also by magnesium and by getting more stomach acid with betaine HCl. Also alkalizing such as baking soda at least 1/4 teaspoon to 1/3 teaspoon in a glass of water before sleep is helpful. The vitamin B3 niacinamide form is needed a lot in human metabolism and may be supplemented at 500 mg in evening time also. I am just sticking to the basics first.

As for the skin problem vitamin A, vitamin E, biotin 1 to 2 mg., but also, zinc, copper, and the manganese form of amino acid helps the skin the most, such as copper lysinate, or manganese methionate. Most biotin sold in the market is very low however. If copper lysinate can't be found, maybe sodium copper chlorophyllin. Also it helps if meats (steamed or boiled) are partially cooked as it increases urea and is helpful for the skin recovery, of course you can prepare a liquid urea to apply to the skin and maybe some aloe vera oil topically but lightly applied.

As to CoQ10, most find it unaffordable and too expensive, and maybe supplemented with B2 riboflavin taken 3 times a day, but may cause urine to be yellow, perhaps the dosage 50 mg x3 times a day. It is precursor to CoQ10 and seems to have a similar effect, but only within 24 hours. CoQ10 is faster, usually within 1 hour, but much more expensive.

Most general fatigue is helped by lysine taken hourly 500 mg each for 3 hours and 25 mg of zinc gluconate or zinc acetate. As to antibiotics use, it can be somewhat neutralized with sodium molybdate, and N acetyl cysteine.

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Replied by V on 09/24/2012

Much appreciated! How many days should I follow the supplementation routine Weekdays then take Saturday and Sunday off Also, is there a way to increase my stomach acid levels naturally I read that low iodine levels can cause low stomach acid. I am using the baking soda and find it gets my ph, urine levels, to 7.0-7.4. Then if I have something that isn't as high pH, the pH reading gets low. 6.5 range. Is that the way it works Thanks again."

09/27/2012: Ted from Bangkok, Thailand replies: "Basically simple, if you get sick take them. It gets better after 3 days of supplement. You can do weekdays then take Saturday and Sunday off, again only when you are sick you take the supplements. The easiest way to increase stomach acid levels is B50 taken before lunch or dinner. Whenever you feel better you don't need to take them. Excessive B50 leads to weight gain.

Yes, low iodine levels can cause low stomach acid but you deal with the water soluble vitamins first as the body simply doesn't store this well, namely B complex and vitamin C ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid vitamin C is taken during or immediately before meals 3 times a day. B50 is taken when you needed them usually once a day whenever your stomach acid is low. However iodine is generally taken to help overall immune system and glandular systems, it sometimes helps if iodine is low, which is true for the majority of people in the U.S. due to flouridation and chlorination of the water supply, as well as in the UK, other countries don't seem to have that pattern, but with the rising U.S. toothpaste in international countries, is partially effected as fluoridated toothpaste is a competitive inhibitors as well as bromine and chlorine, to cause iodine borderline deficiencies.

Baking soda is ideally taken before bedtime, but also ideally after lunch one to two hours, and after dinner one hours. It is never to be taken before 12 pm or early morning, although it can be used as a toothpaste substitute for most fluoridated toothpastes.


Replied by Susan (New York) on 09/28/2012

Bill from San Fernando, can you clarify this. What if I go to bed before 12 PM, when should I take the B/S since Ted's post does not recommend taken before 12 pm. Thanks Bill.

Per Ted's Post

Baking soda is ideally taken before bedtime, but also ideally after lunch one to two hours, and after dinner one hours. It is never to be taken before 12 pm or early morning, although it can be used as a toothpaste substitute for most fluoridated toothpastes.


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