Question by Anonymous (Libya) on 12/23/2011

My Grandmother has Alzheimer's for 5 years now, the doctors gave her 2 years of life. It's very sad, however I read somewhere on EC comments that it has to do with Metals accumulating in the brain (the battery affect) as I like to call it. pls comment on Alzheimer, is it curable Should I try remedies on my Grandmother. I will appreciate all your true/honest comments.

Did you oversee/help any Alzheimer patients to get cured completely and get their memory back Is it really feasible

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Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 01/13/2012

In answer to your questions, Alzheimer can be treated, but it needs more than just baking soda, they also need lysine, threonine, for example to stop the progression of Alzheimer's disease and to partially reverse it with at least hydergine and piracetam.

Getting memory back once the virus has eaten is not possible but some memory back from the increased circulation is better. Most Alzheimer's patients get memory lost from new memories, short term memory, and given the right remedies you see this improvement but most problem is actually not the treatment. It's getting the supplies. Baking soda will help, in getting rid of some zinc accumulation out of the brain and aluminum that's causing some of the problem. Virus in the brain is the main cause of most Alzheimer patients I seen and at least the lysine and threonine is the basic treatment.


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Replied by Idot13 (Ireland) on 01/11/2016

Try lions mane mushroom which is looking very promising along with the other remedy ids
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