Alkaline Diet Recommendations?

Question by Jeannine on 06/14/2006

I marvel at your knowledge. I will stay on the alkaline diet even though it's so restrictive. Do you know if humus is allowed It's one of my favorites and I can't find anything that indicates it's a food I should say away from. Also do you know if popcorn is a restricted food or not

Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand)

Jeannine: Popcorn is quite toxic due to the packaging which contains fluoridated compounds (flurotelemer) that seeps in, it is high in carbohydrate (acid),and the butter they use is trans-fatty acid (which destroys your liver function). And often some packages of popcorn have aluminum, which is toxic to the brain. The protein from popcorn are incomplete. Taking whey protein would be more ideal. Pellagra disease is often associated with lack of bioavailability of corn on amino acid tryptophan, therefore the body cannot convert this to vitamin B3, or niacin. Well, popcorn has a long and sordid history of health problems. For me I would stay away due to higher than average carbohydrate.

Do you know if humus is allowed It's one of my favorites and I can't find anything that indicates it's a food I should say away from.

I am taken to mean it Humus is an arabic food using chick peas, olive oil, sesame paste, hard boiled eggs, and pita bread. Pita bread is relatively high in glycemic index. But other things appear o.k. with exception of hard boiled eggs be modified to partially boiled eggs where the yolk is still liquid. You MIGHT get around the problems of restrictive alkaline diets by taking in more protein whose source will be only from fish and whey protein. They are a bit less acid forming and less likely to interfere with your arthritis and they have Omega 3 fatty acid, which is helpful with arthritis. The absolute key is reducing the sugars and fats, in particular vegetable oils. Alkaline diets usually helps, but you can make modifications and see if that works. Avoid microwave cooking, you eat neurotoxic proteins and trans-fatty acid and alien protein when you do that. Microwave cooking alters the molecular structure of proteins, DNA, and RNA. It is like having your own genetically modified foods using microwave technology. And with the miracles of horizontal gene transfer (nature exchanges DNA all the time with the food we eat), your DNA makeup can change just eating these. Arthitis will get worse with that kind of cooking.

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