Clostridium Difficle Infection After C-section in Hospital

Question by Annette (Livermore, California) on 05/29/2008

re: Clostridium Difficle the SuperBug. My sister-in-law recently gave birth by C-section and developed a secondary super resistant infection called C. difficle. The CDC just released a study showing it's increasing presence in hospitals. Since it is an infection of the large intestine, would colloidal silver or hydrogen peroxide enemas be useful Is there anything else she can try Her baby was recently diagnosed with the same illness and was treated with some strong antibiotics. Baby seems to be fine however the mother has recurring symptoms after several rounds of treatments with antibiotics. As this is a possibly fatal condition, I would like to offer alternative help to her. Any ideas

Replied by Joyce (Joelton, TN) on 05/29/2008

I don't think a peroxide enema would hurt anything but I would dilute it to half HP/half water. This is an infection that follows surgery (prophylactic antibiotics given to prevent post-operative infections wipe out the good bacteria we all harbor in our bodies (think they're called symbiotic - meaning beneficial or not harmful). I don't have any idea what colloidal silver would do in this case. Another thing you might do is to find a source (Maybe there's a wild oats or other health food place near them) for yogurt with the live enzymes in it - don't think general store yogurt has- but this is supposed to replace a lot of the good guys that got killed off by the antibiotic. You might also want to think about trying yogurt on the other end of the GI tract since C diff is primarily in the colon. I would recommend that that you only add enough liquid to make it able to suck it up into (maybe a plastic turkey baster) for insertion for they don't want an enema effect but want it to remain in the colon long enough to leave some good guys behind. The other thing I would personally be trying is Jim Humbles' MMS. You may be able to find a source close by on E Bay. If not, there is one in Canada (might dry up soon - because of Canada's new law re supplements/herbals) that will ship a powder form as well as in solution and ready to use. Google MMS and look for one that says (ca for canada) and adds that they sell a kit with l lb of the power. This kit makes 32 ounces & cost is $98.60 with postage, but if they need it quick, I would get their phone number off the site & call them to ship it next day which would add probably $10 or more to cost.

Replied by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 06/01/2008

I was researching Gulf War Syndrome and came across a homeopathic solution called Dioxychlor which translates to Jim Humble's ClO2 (MMS). This should be readily available at health food stores or groceries like "Wild Oats". Their recommendation is 5-l0 drops in 2 oz. water 2-3 x day. Humble's way of using it is 5-l0 (uo to 25) drops in glass, add twice as many drops of apple cider vinegar and swish gently in glass. Let set for 3 minutes, add 4 ounces of water and take. Humble was reducing the number of drops when symptoms were intensified because it indicated that toxins from "killed pathogens" was the cause of increase. Humble was also repeating the dose 2-3 hrs. later also. The use of it apparently dates back quite some time. Humble says this was the Koch treament used mid l900's. I suspect that others might have picked up on Humble's since he has been trying to get his MMS to the public more than l0 years. According to Bradford Research it is now being used to treat GWS, systemic candida, Epstein-Barr virus, and cytomegalovirus. I think I would probably use Humble's recommendation on using it.

Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 06/04/2008

There is a chance that colloidal silver may reverse conditions of diarrhea associated with clostridium difficile from the fact that observed excessive use of colloidal silver lead to constipation, but in condition of diarrhea, excessive use of colloidal silver leads to stoppage of diarrhea.

The dose of colloidal silver may require larger than usual dose and it can be mixed with colloidal silver. Frequency of dose may be increase it's effectiveness but a dose appears to be closer to 1/4 glass of colloidal silver with 10 drops of 3% H2O2 food grade.

It should be noted that the use anti-diarrheal medicine can worsen the conditions, such as Imodium and are not to be used since these do not kill off c. difficile as the hydrogen peroxide and colloidal silver.

Interestingly excessive use of penicillin, ampicillin, clindamycin and cephalosporins can alter the intestinal flora to support c. difficile, by killing off the good bacteria. Therefore probiotics at least in the short run may help, but whenever interstinal flora is imbalanced probiotics won't rid of these but is helpful in the short term. This may be true of eating yogurt also. However, further use of antibiotic may make the condition of c. difficile worse.

In livestock animal, and even in humans, c. difficile in mild forms leads foul smelling watery stools and mixing humic acid such as one half teaspoon mixed with water, plus 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt in a half glass of water reduced the mild cases of c. difficle by causing the foul smelling watery stool to stop. I won't know about more severe cases, but at least it was helpful in restoring normal intestinal flora issues when humic acid were used.

Interestingly, I have read research on restoring or changing intestinal flora, in reducing harmful bacteria that exists when pH conditions were altered. However, c. difficile had certain environmental conditions that were necessary for growth: low magnesium, low iron, low oxygen, and very acidic pH, such as between 4-5.

Therefore changing the intestinal flora intestinal environment to pH of 7 would be most helpful, or at least 6.5-7.0. The remedy therefore could be 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water taken four times a day perhaps some magnesium supplements, such as magnesium gluconate, 500 mg x times a day. Since iron supplements are hard to find, at least by me, eating liver and avoiding milk may help. In event magnesium supplement's can't be found a teaspoon of milk of magnesia dissolved in a glass of water might help kill off the c. difficile since it is both alkaline and it is magnesium, but for me it doesn't require a large amount anyway, but this wouldn't solve the low blood magnesium in the long run.

The reason why pregnant mothers has high c. difficile is an easy one. During term pregnancy, it is quite common that mothers have metabolic acidosis from acid toxin waste given off by the fetus during development, magnesium is quite commonly low in mother anyway and I see this pattern all the time. The most interesting of all is the iron demands by the baby is quite large since the fetus needs to synthesize blood, and hence this causes low iron in the blood that may cause anemia in some cases. Hence, the low blood iron, and liver I think is a good supplement. In Thailand there is pigs' blood that is steamed and is diced in a soup that also is high in iron. Unsalted nuts and seeds may also have high iron content. Zinc is also commonly low in some cases and zinc supplements is my favorite antibiotic and antiviral I used, usually the ones I preferred are zinc acetate 50 mg, or zinc gluconate, taken for only a couple of days such as between 3-4 days and I will then discontinue.

In my opinion I would check up both saliva pH and urinary pH to determine which alkaline remedy I should use. If the Urinary pH is acid, such as below 6.5 then baking soda remedy will help. If the saliva pH is below 7, as is often the case with c. difficile, then it is usually the potassium bicarbonate and magnesium citrate (or magnesium gluconate, or magnesium chloride) that is needed. If I were to apply alkalizing the saliva pH, it is very likely that baking soda and potassium is used together such as, 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda plus 1/8 teaspoon of potassium bicarbonate for example. Magnesium are a lot easier to handle, so 500-1000 mg of magnesium supplement would do fine, but an ideal magnesium supplements should not have calcium as it tends to worsen somewhat the condition of c. difficile, since rich calcium environments seems to be favored by them. However, even if there is some calcium, if there is more magnesium then it's likely to help also.

I am sure there are other things that may help, but unfortunately most current medical literature research are terribly misdirected in favor of pharma drugs and it makes it difficult to find all the simpler remedies that may effectively killed it, causing doctors to continue prescribing ineffective antibiotics, as pharma drugs tries to push sales.


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Replied by Kelly (Seattle) on 08/31/2020

I'm not sure where Ted got his information, but an alkaline pH is an absolute disaster for those with c difficile infections.

A 2016 study found that "Among the 27 colonized patients (antigen+/toxin-), 12 (44.4%) had stool pH >7.0 (P = 0.34). For all patients with stool pH 7.0,96% tested negative for C. difficile infection (P = 0.002)."

Baking soda has a pH of 8.3. Taking it would make a c. difficile infection more likely to happen.


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