Can Ted Help with Mystery Diagnosis?

Question by Indian Man (UK) on 02/25/2012

Hello Ted, Can you solve the complex riddle of this X-file I know your busy.

SCALP- is excessively oily, whiteheads, pustular acne and loss of excessive hair daily. I haven't used shampoos for years owing to shampoos causing headaches or itchy scalp and i've tried everything available on natural health shelves. i started using minoxidil (regaine), but from the onset my hair loss has doubled and i've discontinued now. Not much hair left now.

EYES- seasonal hay fever causes itching. Eyes feel very heavy, tired and painful when i've frequent headaches. Dark circles under eyes.

NOSE- broken. Swells excessively caused by heat. Cracked bridge, twisted to the left, perforation in septum. When swollen it becomes increasingly difficult to breathe because airways become blocked. I've frequent nosebleeds.

FACE- extremely oily, blocked pores or excessive whiteheads (all pores on face are blocked. Only difference is variation in size of whiteheads). Face can swell excessively owing to food allergies/intolerances. Moderate pustular acne, but can vary owing to what I've eaten. Face has sensitive skin, mild eczema, flaky skin which peels off easily and enlarged pores owing to damaged gut I think. Can get boils depending on my acidity.

EARS- I've tinnitus which is constant with sharp whistling. It can drive you insane if you don't find something to distract yourself. It's only overbearing if I'm not occupied with something, sleep is the best temporary solution. I'm very sensitive to noise. The tinnitus has been there since I was 12 when the old man bashed me hard in the skull whilst eating.

SHOULDERS- both shoulders painful and I'm restricted in full range of movement especially left side.

NECK- cracks a lot, especially left side

BACK- upper back towards left side is constantly cramped causing restriction to full range of movement. Lower back pain is usually dull ache. I've Spina bifida of S1 + S2 discs.

HEART- can get frequent palpitations owing to food allergies/intolerances (palpitations start on onset of meal and throughout). Palpitations depend on severity of food allergies/sensitivities. Had palpitations since 12 years old and spent a few months in hospital, diagnosed with heart murmur or tachycardia arrhythmia when the old man bashed me hard in the skull whilst eating.

ABDOMEN- when I'm about to make a mistake of any sort, I get a deep dull pain commonly known as butterflies, probably from the solar plexus, which leaves me a nervous wreck for the rest of the day. Flatulence can occur with distension of abdomen owing to food allergies/intolerances. I can't digest any oils or fats. Certain foods cause agonizing pain in region of abdomen. If I apply essential oils to my face which I'm sensitive to, it'll cause immense pain in the abdominal area within minutes. Therefore from this I can conclude that whatever symptom shows on my face is owing to the root cause being from abdominal area.

STOOLS- can have lots of mucous owing to severity of food intolerances/allergies. Stools can be hard, but I've mainly diarrhoea. Stools have always looked the same colour as the food i've eaten. I'd persuaded my gastroenterologist to let me try prescription Creon (pancreatic enzymes) and since 02/03/11 the first time as far back as i can remember, my stools are brown and no more diarrhoea. No natural enzymes from health food shops have been able to produce these results, but if i stop taking Creon, then my previous symptoms will reappear. It's best to just swallow the contents and throw away the capsules of Creon. (29-01-12 i haven't taken any Creon for a few months as i'd been asked to abstain from meat whilst seeing an Indian healer).

HANDS- suffer severe chilblains during cold weather. Generally have poor circulation throughout body. Colours of hands are red or purple. G.p has diagnosed it as raynauds disease.

FEET- constant athlete's feet + toenail infections which i've had for years. I've poor circulation, chilblains. Colour of feet is always red or purple. Nhs toenail specimen tests revealed candida albicans and it worsens when I eat fruits. (29-01-12 abstaining from fruits hasn't helped resolve the infections). Using nail lacquer (amorolfine) to treat fungal nail infections doesn't work.

JOINTS- especially knees and wrists cause a lot of pain, severity depending on severity of food intolerances/allergies. I've been told by g.p that I've got osteoarthritis of the knees but I believe its rheumatoid arthritis because I'm intolerant to everything I eat.

SKIN- eczema (mild), severe comedones or whiteheads which are extensive from abdomen upwards, moderate pustular acne from waist upwards, severe oily skin from waist upwards. Visibly enlarged pores on face caused by excessive production of oil + blocked pores and itchy skin. Wounds are very slow to heal.

HEAD- in general, fragrances, perfumes, strong odours even from food which are actually mild to an average person, cause severe headaches. Loud noise causes headaches + food allergies/intolerances cause frequent headaches. I get frequent dizzy spells. I've got a very poor memory and find it very difficult to concentrate.

Heat of any kind is very debilitating and makes me very weak and drowsy. I feel better when I'm cold. When I eat my skin colour becomes like a corpse, I think it's owing to blood becoming sluggish owing to blood reaction to food. The only time I look near to looking healthy is when I don't eat. Can't stay awake for more than a few hours without getting drowsy and must take nap. I've severe digestion problems of foods, but we don't think absorption is an issue. I'm very thin and weigh 56kg.Variety of foods is very limited. I react to all foods; only difference is severity of reaction. I sweat profusely depending on the severity of reaction to food. I become very hot whilst eating and afterwards and my body burns like a furnace. Certain foods make me vomit now. Raw & fibrous foods cause a lot of irritation and probably damage my gut. My oesophagus becomes very painful when i eat foods i'm sensitive to as i experience a lot of belching and bitter liquid and it reaches a point when i can't eat anymore owing to the pain. I've learnt now that this is owing to acid reflux. Fermented foods which are supposed to be beneficial are detrimental as they're very acidic. My body never goes into a deep sleep, that's why I'm always still tired after sleep and require naps to get throughout the day and it doesn't help that nearly every night i get up twice to urinate and this is owing to the rice which holds a large amount of water. My entire body swells excessively with water retention when I eat foods I'm intolerant to.

The above symptoms all progressed when the old man put me in hospital at age of 12. I was eating when he bashed me hard in the head and almost took my head off its shoulders. I think i collapsed and heart rate was extremely rapid. Doctors thought it was a blackout. Doctor's diagnosis is i'm under too much stress at home and have tachycardia arrhythmia. I can hardly recall anything prior to 12 years old or the incident. It's my belief that whenever I eat food, my body associates it with trauma relating to the bashing at 12 years old whilst eating and therefore instead of nourishing my body, it makes it sick. I'm the only one out of the blood related whom is very ill.

My skin conditions repulse every human and i've only ever seen 4 people who've skin like mine. I've only ever been twice abroad in my life in the past few years and my health became much worse because I can't tolerate the foods or the climate, so I can't go abroad and enjoy life and i'm a 42 year old Indian male.

nhs said my condition is simply irritable bowel syndrome. Their tests have revealed low red blood cells + 10% lupus which isn't clinically lupus unless it's 80%. There are other anomalies in their tests, but it's within their parameters of normal, so I've always been considered to be perfectly healthy in their opinion. However i question how they devised there low, normal and high parameters on their inferior tests

Liver tests on the nhs are normal, but a private liver test revealed; among the phase II pathways, glutathione conjugation, sulfation, and glucuronidation are under functioning. These deficits can result in poor detoxification of many compounds in the body, particularly xenobiotics, steroid hormones and many medications. This may reflect nutritional inadequacies and/or genetic uniqueness .

Best or most experienced uk nutritionists, homeopaths, kinesiologists have all failed miserably. They all say I'm their toughest case after they make no progress. Acupuncture is the best treatment I've had and has a good but temporary effect, probably because it's an energy enhancer and has no adverse effects unlike herbs or vitamins and minerals which cause allergic/sensitive reactions and i can only take them for a maximum of 2 weeks every day before onset of undesirable effects. Hypnotherapist made me suicidal as psychologists like to delve into the past whereas i believe the past has its place. I've wasted thousands upon thousands of pounds. I was spending 400-600 a month on supplements alone not including practioners fees. I haven't taken any recommended food supplements for approximately 2 years and my symptoms have improved and health is better than it ever was whilst under their care. I was seeing practioners for 19 years.

My mother was complaining of symptoms for over 25 years, but the nhs sent her to a psychiatric hospital because their inferior tests were always normal and she was told she's mental. It turned out she had pancreatic cancer and the size of the tumour was the size of a football and she died in stage IV. She was only 58 years old. All the healers i brought in to see her told me that problems related to the pancreas are associated with sadness and my mother was very unhappy. I don't think i've a genetic problem with the pancreas, more likely owing to unhappiness too, but i'm a hoper, not a loser despite all the setbacks.

I only eat plain food, white rice (acidic) and cucumber, raw broccoli (something has changed recently as i couldn't previously tolerate green foods which caused frothy diarrhoea) which is best eaten raw as cooked vegetables produce more acid reflux, red kidney beans, black turtle beans. Everything i eat is organic and i don't enjoy eating, it's merely force feeding. I strongly desire to eat other foods, but as always what i like, my body doesn't. A few months ago, i discovered that the distilled water i've been drinking for years has a ph of 5.3 and my suppliers had sold the device to me stating distilled water has a neutral ph. I believe a few years of drinking distilled water has eroded my gut. In my entire life i've drunk nearly 1 pint of alcohol and i'm a non-smoker. Citrate minerals cause huge amounts of mucous in stools and diarrhoea. I use glass cookware for all my cooking as i can taste the metallics when using steel.

My left leg is slightly longer than my right leg and i've been told this could be a cause of my dizzy spells as the messages from central nervous system aren't functioning correctly as body is out of line. I've had numerous private lab tests dating back to 1996 and you might find them very useful and can post them to you. Briefly my magnesium, zinc, EFA'S has been consistently low and tests as far back as 1997 show pancreatic insuffiency and high acidity. I've low human growth hormone, very high oestrogen levels and low levels of vitamin D and my vitamin D test was done after spending a few weeks in the sun.

For about 2 weeks now, i've been using apple cider vinegar in distilled water and it's only slightly reduced my acid reflux. My pores on face have visibly reduced, but i've had more boils and around my abdominal area, there's been an eruption of boils. I know i'm supposed to mix apple cider vinegar with sodium bicarbonate, but that wasn't an option owing to my intolerance. Luckily my food supplement supplier is a biochemist and formulates an extensive range of pure herbs, but limited amount of vitamins and minerals and he acquired me potassium bicarbonate and i can now add 1/8 teaspoon to a glass of distilled water and it'll alkalize it. For 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar, i only require 1 teaspoon to alkalize it, but it'll cause mild abdominal pain and diarrhoea, so i use of a teaspoon, but even this amount will cause loose stools. The boils have now dissipated around the abdominal area, but still have mild amounts on the face. I was hoping the alkalizing would cool my body down, but it hasn't yet.


Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 02/28/2012

Yes I had a couple of cases like this, they have been since all cured. The last one I recently cured was last week. The whole problem is mainly identified as "Morgellon's disease" which is partly lupus, and their diagnosis is correct, but most people aren't aware that this can be identified as Morgellon's, but my exact description is fungus overtaking the entire body. The things that will help are many, I have to give a lot of things to these people, mostly it takes 2 to 3 months to get the symptoms down by at least 90%. Why it's like Morgellon's disease I will tell later. Some people don't come to see me, and those who did not come and did not get treated by me eventually died. One in particular is a male Thai, 24 years old, the Morgellon's was spreading so rapidly he held up getting treated and died and refused to come. Now I don't have that many clients but those who come to see me has a lot of weird conditions such that those that are SLE or Lupus and Morgellon's cases are considered normal clients for now, but unusual or undiagnosed by mainstream medicine.

These people are very sensitive to certain chlorides, such as copper chlorides, magnesium chlorides, but they respond well to ammonium chlorides and neutral to sodium chloride. Magnesium is somewhat ambivalent, in response, but I can say they don't respond well do magnesium chlorides at all.

I can list the supplements they do respond well to, here they are:

H2O2 3%, borax, sodium thiosulfate, N acetyl cysteine, Methylsulfonylmethane, methylene blue 0.1%, B3 niacinamide, DMSO (when mixed with tannic acid and methylene blue), Ammonium chloride, Bentonite clay, Tannic acid, B50 b complex, potassium citrate (technical name tripotassium citrate), and if I must give magnesium it has to be magnesium citrate also. The two last thing and the most important of all is tetrasodium EDTA, which is referred to in Thailand supplier as 4 Sodium EDTA. The other one is myristin.

These supplements are listed first, instead of me diagnosing the problem because these are antifungal treatments for the lupus, the Morgellons and generally for a fungus overtaking the body. Whenever the fungus overtakes the body, you may have Leaky Gut syndrome, toenail fungus, hair falling off, pus in the scalp, circulation problems of the extremities, and the like. Circulation problems is caused by fungus and protein buildup which blocks the lymph nodes also. General weakness, very weak, such as sleeping all day. This is the extreme condition, and they can manifest themselves as very red faced (which I referred to one of my clients as Red Lupus) but a more technical description is more like Red Morgellon's. That's my term and is not meant to be medically correct. They will have allergies of all kinds, in fact you generally do not get allergies with virus or bacteria, you generally have it when you get fungus. Now I didn't know at they have Morgellon's when they first see me, but the treatment is still the same for lupus, Morgellon's or even fungus overtaking the body.

The one identifying marker that differentiates Morgellon's from the rest of the lupus, is the unusual black fibers, which can only be seen if the fungus is killed. They are invisible mostly to the eyes, but once they are dead they fall off as black fibers, when you take the bath.

The best method to get fibers inactivated and first aid, should they need emergency treatment is tetra sodium EDTA, to be used as a soap solution. Say a 10% mixture and wash the entire body of it, especially the head because this is where the source Morgellon's is, the head and the hair. If the head area is left untreated it will spread throughout the body. I know it is not the best, but the tetrasodium EDTA, will quickly identify their black fibers in the bathroom. The stinging pain from the tetrasodium EDTA use is from the open wounds, and pus area. However this is the quickest way to deal with fibers, EDTA used as a soap solution must be all over the body especially the head and hair.

There is another method of treatment which also used in conjunction with the first one, which is hydrogen peroxide 1.0% mixed with saturated solution of hydrogen peroxide. It may cause the hair to decolorized somewhat, but it is a safe mixture overall for the entire body. That you can bathe with.

The fungus condition will also respond well to topical applications containing a mixture of B3 niacinamide, not Niacin mixed with Borax as the minimum mixtures in area of the pus region. You may also add a little sodium molybdate, and sodium thiosulfate also. Now these are all anti fungal mixtures especially the B3 niacinamide. The sodium thiosulfate is a dechlorinator sold as hypo in camera supply shops and also in swimming pool suppliers. Sodium molybdate is molybdenum and is also a strong antifungal, but B3 and borax is best known combination. If the pus is present, it is best to cause them to dry by adding tannic acid mixed into it. For example, 1 to 2 tablespoons of water, 1/8 teaspoon of tannic acid, 1/16 sodium molybdate, 1/8 teaspoon of niacinamide, one rice crystal of sodium thiosulfate and apply to the area of pus, but it could be applied to also inflamed area, if you have a common condition such as rosacea, which is mostly from a fungus in these cases.

There is also a deep inflamed area, and itch, in which case you will need DMSO 30 cc, mixed with 1/4 teaspoon of tannic acid. If it itches after application then it can be applied methylene blue 0.1% diluted enough so it won't create a mess.

For internally to kill the fungus, it requires at least once every other day that all mixtures of water contains in one liter of every drinking water, has 1 to 2 capfuls of 3% H2O2, 4 drops of methylene blue 0.1%, and at least 1/8 teaspoon of borax. It will make the energy level increase tremendously if extra drops be given in the day time of 4 to 8 drops of methylene blue 0.1% in the morning and in the afternoon on an empty stomach, mixed in water of your choice.

As you already know, you don't generally respond well to any fragrance and soaps which is why I mentioned the tetrasodium EDTA to be used as soap solution, and you can also used ammonium chloride 10% thereafter, and you can also used H2O2 1% with saturated solution of borax as a bath solutions to be used separately.

Now I have seen all kinds of lupus, which is basically the fungus that grows inside a cell. And to best get rid of it after the EDTA bath or before the EDTA bath that you have to apply the bentonite clay to the body. I haven't decided yet for sure if it is taken before the EDTA bath or later, but what I know is it does detox the body, not internally but from application. I do know that my clients used them before they do EDTA soap, ammonium chloride, and hydrogen peroxide with borax thing. Now, to use bentonite clay properly, prepare a wet paste mixture by adding enough water to it and apply throughout the body. It would be impractical to apply it on the hair, but the face is acceptable. Once they are applied, it must be fan dried, and apply again. It must be applied three times and rinse three times.

Now internally, N acetyl cysteine 250 four times a day will usually detox the intestines and is the major element, B50 taken everyday until appetite and energy returns, sodium molybdate (1/16 teaspoon), and B3 niacinamide 500 mg taken at night to restore sleep. The niacinamide maybe taken at day time or applied to the skin to get fungus under control, if taken during the day, I don't usually do it. N acetyl cysteine can be mixed with potassium citrate and it is done only after meals. The people that have fungal overgrowth has low stomach acid which is from depleted vitamin C and especially vitamin Bs. especially in the B3 niacinamide. Once the vitamins are restored will the stomach acid be working.

Now there are conditions of Morgellon's that effect the brain, especially understanding and initiation of action, if they don't have the initiative, you need methylene blue. This is how clients end up dying because they don't have the initiative to do these things but they have the understanding. If they don't have enough of that get someone to do it for you or get the motivation from them. This is because the energy level is low to begin with.

This is just the beginning of the treatment, and I hope you show initiative in just doing part of my treatment or if not get someone to do for you it is important. Morgellon's is already worldwide problem, which I suspect worldwide chemtrails are a major problem that I know of.

I know you will have questions, and low motivation to do, as with most who have Morgellon's. So get someone to read and do these for you at least initially, I see too many Morgellons end up dying with a correct understanding but not enough energy to read, understand and do the things I asked, some are too much perfectionist and ask questions over and over, and not doing it. The answers are there. How the Morgellon people managed to see me is basically the friends took the initiative to fool them to coming to see me, or other means, and once they see me I make sure they applied the remedies then and there, once they seen the results, they are on their own, such as applying ammonium chloride, taking tetra sodium EDTA to wash their face and legs, or methylene blue 0.1% 8 drops to give them more energy. Things like that.


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