Best Type Of Vitamin C for Vitamin C

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Rick (Woburn, Ma) on 03/02/2013
5 out of 5 stars

A great way to take your Vitamin C and to break that soda/ diet soda habit. Pick up some Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in powder form (available from any of the major on-line vitamin retailers). In a 10 to 12 once glass of water, add 3 (three) 1/4 teaspoons of Vitamin C (each 1/4 teaspoon of C is equal to 1 gram (1000 mg). To this, add 3 (three) 1/8 teaspoons of baking soda. The baking soda will do two things; it will reduce the pH of the Vitamin C to around 6, which is much more palatable to the stomach, and secondly, it will carbonate the drink (for those who are adicted to carbonated beverages). Add stevia sweetner to taste. This tastes similar to a lemon/ lime soda. I have replaced my diet soda habit with this stuff. You can also add a drop of spearmint oil or the oil of your choice, for a different taste.
REPLY   10      

Peachy (Richmond, Bc, Canada) on 01/22/2011
5 out of 5 stars

Re Vitamin C: I saw Linus Pauling on the Les Brown (Toronto) tv show back in the 1980's He said just get the cheapest stuff - pure ascorbic acid powder. He would take about 18 grams a day. I have only taken up to 18 grams when I have been sick (flu, exhausted, colds). Hey he lived to be 94!

His recipe was put one teaspoon ascorbic acid powder in glass of water, and add one quarter teaspoon baking soda - that's it - makes it fizz - the baking soda buffers the tummy coz straight vitamin C is just way too acidic. On the show he said it was great for cancer patients going through clinical trials, (helps with immune system). (helps build white blood cells, with wound healing, building collagen - you don't get wrinkles! ).

I drink my drink through a straw and then have more water afterward.. Slight sour fizzy taste. Really nice actually. Since that show I have used the ascorbic acid powder - making my C fizzies as I call them - first of all to help with hay fever allergies (the ones where I sneeze 17 times and want to rip my itchy eyes out, and put cold washcloths over my face to sleep) - I got to the point where I only took the vitamin C and also eye drops for itchy eyes - got off all the over the counter drugstore medications (in my early teens used to get needles for hayfever, man I hate needles - that used to knock me out- didn't help much then either)Also very good for allergic reactions like hives (like when I've had shrimp and have broken out in welts, arargh)... A C fizzy or two takes it all down, calms everything back to normal. If I think I need a lot, I will space out the drinks about half hour or so. You can tell when you reach your tolerance limit, when your bowels start to get loose (the gut just can't process anymore).

In last few years I discovered that Pauling figured that heart disease is a subclinical form of scurvy - ie not enough Vitamin C!!! Check out paulingtherapy, and I think there is a youtube of him saying that as well. After I found that out I started buying it by the kilo from nutrabio because I would go through my little bottles from the health food store so fast. I plan to live to be 90 as well!

Another new discovery is ______ vitamin c where they have encapsulated the vitamin c with nano technology (think a grain of sand on a football field - very small) - with this the C bypasses the digestive system and goes straight to where it is needed. I have just started taking these last month. I will have my C fizzy drink before breakfast to start the day, and sometimes one in afternoon, and a pkt of the lypo-c in juice in between times (you won't feel the difference when you take the lypo-c coz it goes straight to your cells - also see tomlevyMd. Apparently this is the closest one can get to having Vitamin C intravenously. Check levy's video of gentleman in new zealand who was pretty much on death's door, and his family rallied around refusing to let the docs take him off life support - with much ado, they got him on IV vitamin c - and he recovered!

Also just listening to Dr Hal Huggins radio interview, he said if you take 4-5 pkts of the Lypospheric C, it is like getting a shot of IV C. I am so trying this..

One more thing, people would ask me why do I take the Vitamin C fizzies - I said the only way I can explain it is that it feels like it turns on the electricity in the body. And from what I have read about the heart and brain's electrical fields, I can speak from personal experience that the vitamin C I take helps bring everything back to 'normal' for me. And yes, (oh vanity) - a lady at work guessed my age to be 14 years younger.

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Maria (Gippsland, Australia) on 01/07/2011
5 out of 5 stars

For over a decade I have been using large amounts of Vit C on an almost daily basis.

The amount tends to vary a little depending on my needs, but always taken in smaller doses throughout the day.

I have used many expensive brands, including Ester C & Acerola but have not heard of nor used lypho-spheric vitamin C, and now only buy the inexpensive powder form of sodium ascorbate. If you use a lemon for something, instead of throughing out the peel, eat the pith (white part) and this way you are getting your bioflavanoids. If the lemon is organic you can also eat some of the yellow rind (not a great taste) as it contains limonene.

Having the pith most days and the sodium ascorbate, I have found this to work as well as any brands I've tried and better than most. I am very fortunate to have access to meyer lemons as the pith tastes quite nice.

REPLY   5      

Spence (Sparta, Tn) on 12/12/2008
5 out of 5 stars

In reference to C side effects I have a heart failure problem and I mega dose alot of supplements for this condition. In regards to Vitamin C I normally take 6000mg divided into 3 doses daily. In the winter during cold season I increase my doseage to 9000mg daily to ward off colds etc. I personally use vitamin C with rose hips absorbic acid capsules. The only side effects I am aware of not to say there may be others is loose bowel movements if you injest more C than your body can handle. No big deal. Just back off a little. I also found in my case I can gradually build back up slowly with no more of these issues. While we know the C vitamin is a plus for many ailments you might want to consider a B complex supplement as well. I personally prefer the 100mg complex capsules and take them 3 times a day with the C. The benefits are numerous. But hey! I'm no doctor. I just know what works for me. One more tip if I may. Mega doses of water soluable vitamins for the most part are safe within reason where as oil base supplements is a whole different can of worms and should be monitored carefully. Spence