The Nootropic Brain Remedy Called Vinpocetine

Modified on Jul 18, 2020

by Deirdre Layne
Published July 8, 2020

Vinpocetine is an inexpensive supplement derived from the periwinkle plant. In European countries, it is commonly used to improve blood flow to the brain, stroke recovery, enhance memory, and prevent dementia and epileptic seizures.

However, feedback on Vinpocetine from the web is even more extensive, with people reporting a phenomenal improvement in eyesight to increased memory and dream recall.

Doesn't Require a Prescription in the USA

While it is sold without a prescription in the United States, Vinpocetine requires a prescription in countries like Germany and France.  In the EU, Vinpocetine is only available as a prescription to treat cerebrovascular diseases and dysfunctional cognitive abilities.

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    List of Remedies for Vinpocetine