About Msm for MSM Side Effects

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GiftOpfer der MSM-Lügen (Munich) on 02/25/2024
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For the Sake of FAIR Information for a Change:

About the History and Background of MSM & DMSO:

DMSO is a Bye-Product of the Paper Industry, and was first scientifically described by russian Chemist Dr. Alexander Michailowitsch Saizew in 1866. MSM however, is the OXIDATED Form of DMSO. The 2 US-Chemists Dr. Stanley W. Jacobs and Dr. Robert M. Herschler, who were asked by the Paper Company "Crown-Zellerbach" in Portland, Oregon, to find a Use for DMSO, irresponsibily claimed without Evidence, that DMSO would help with a faster Healing of Wounds, Ulcers and even Asthma. But because of the bad Body Smell caused by DMSO, Dr. Jacobs & Dr. Herschler soon focussed on the oxidated Form of DMSO, which is MSM. For MSM, they irresponsibly even claimed many, many MORE medical Benefits, ignored ALL possible Side-Effects, and Dr. Jacobs got 1 Patent on a MSM-Product (and published lots of Propaganda-Books), and his Colleague, Dr. Herschler even got 11 Patents on MSM-Products!

Until this Day, NO serious Long-Term-Studies for the Use of MSM have been made yet, whatsoever. But that doesn´t keep the worldwide Propaganda for MSM from insisting on the Opposite! Also until this Day, NO Consumer-Protection-Organization or -Authority has reckognized or admitted the SERIOUS possible Side-Effects of MSM, like Heart-Palpitations, Depression, high Blood-Pressure, Panic Attacks, ... Let alone WARNED about those! They have failed entirely!

MSM is an organic Sulfur-Compound from the active Substance Group of the Cholinesterase-Inhibitors, like Insecticides like E 605, and many Chemical Weapons like VX, Soman, Tabun, Sarin and Novichok. It therefore is a Neurotoxin. MSM is capable of passing the Blood-Brain-Barrier and can penetrate Cell Membranes of the Body. As Reports from People taking MSM orally, from all over the World show, MSM is not a "natural Remedy" but a Nerve-Toxin and far from being "harmless".