Magnesium Side Effects


Rachel (Madison, Wisconsin) on 01/13/2013:
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Last night for the second night in a row, I took 2 teaspoons of powdered magnesium (the kind that dissolves in water). I got a severe stomach upset an hour later which I know was from the magnesium. There was a second side effect however, and I am wondering if this has happened to anyone else. My left eye started hurting me a little when I went to bed. Very tender if I put the slightest pressure on it. This morning when I woke up, half of my upper left eyelid near my nose is very swollen. I am drinking a lot of water to see if it will go down. My eyeball is not bloodshot. Anyone have an idea if this is related to the magnesium? I have never had this happen before. Thank you in advance for any advice!
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Colleen (Minneapolis, Minnesota) on 10/10/2009:
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I've been having similar reactions to magnesium. I took it as a natural muscle relaxer because I'm tired of taking Rx for my back. I started taking 600mg of magnesium oxide in 250mg tablets (I broke them up to make 3 servings to reach 600mg) Within hours the muscles started to relax (I was shocked that it worked so fast) by the fourth day I started having pain in between my shoulder blades, shoulders, neck, jaw, headache, and in my armpit. This was followed with my heart pumping so hard that it felt as if my heart was in my throat. Needless to say I stopped taking it for about a week and a half and the muscle pain came back with a vengence. I thought I'd try taking 250mg a day by breaking the pill in half and taking 1/2 two times a day. It took the edge off my pain, but not as good as with 600mg. Unfourtunately the chest/heart pain came back with in a few days and I stopped taking it again. nearly four days of being off it and my pulse is still to high to donate plasma. I don't want to take calcium with my history of kidney stones, and I had issues with potassium supplements about nine years ago when it was reccomended for a low carb diet I was on. My heart was racing so fast I thought I would faint and fall to the floor. does anyone have any suggestions on how to make my heart/ chest pain stop and/or a safer alternative to relax the muscles without scary side effects. by the way the added ingredients in the mag supp I was taking is: cellulose, starch, croscarmellose, vegetable magnesium sterate. The brand is from a popular pharmacy chain. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Sarah (North Vancouver, B.C, canada) on 06/19/2009:
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I have just started taking magnesium on recomendation for adrenal exhaustion and perimenopause issues.One week ago I took only one capsule (150 mg) of magnesium citrate-malate before bedtime and the reaction I had (jittery muscles and restlesness) occured 1-2 hrs later. My heart was also racing. I thought perhaps it may have something to do with a calcium/magnesium imbalance so 2 days later I took a Cal/Mag supplement and the same thing happened. The cal/mag supplement was an inexpensive one made up of carbonate, citrate, fumarate, malate, succinate and glutamate sources for both.

The interesting thing is that this reaction happened only after a one time dose both times. A few months ago I tried ACV for a few days and had a similar reaction each time I took it so I had to stop. This is very puzzling to me and I am searching for clues as to why my body reacts this way.

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Liz (New York, NY) on 06/15/2009:
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Hello, my comment is regarding Sarah's posting (from North Vancouver, B.C Canada). I have a similar reaction to magnesium. Lately, I have been taking Bentonite clay (which is rich in magnesium) and it has kept me up and energized, the problem is that if I take it close to my bedtime, I simply cannot get any sleep. The dose that I am taking is quite large (2 tablespoons) and not only I do not experience any calming effects, it does not have any laxative effects either. I have read some postings here on EC regarding the relaxing effects of magnesium but for some strange reason, the opposite happens to me. I had attempted to address the problem by not having any caffeine after lunch time and also sticking to a light early dinner thinking that those were the reasons for my insomnia, and not until recently when I was purchasing clay from a website and read someone's comment about magnesium keeping them up that I made the connection. I remember having the same problem when taking magnesium citrate. I would appreciate any comments. Thanks!

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Sarah (North Vancouver, B.C., Canada) on 06/15/2009:
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I have just started taking magnesium as a supplement ( apro. 150 mg/day ).

Aproximately 1-2 hrs after taking I feel very jittery in my muscles and restless in general. It does not make a difference if I take it with calcuim. I understand magnesium is natures relaxant but it seems to have the opposite effect on me. Has anyone had this problem or know what may be causing this ? Sarah.

EC: Hi Sarah, can you tell us the exact ingredients in your supplement? Thanks!

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