Heart Palpitations And Anxiety for Magnesium

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Showing 4 Star Reviews

Val (Savannah, Ga, Us) on 01/22/2012
4 out of 5 stars

Better But With Side Effects

Milk of Magnesia Helping Heart Palpitations but Causing Moodiness

I have been taking 1/4-1/3 tsp MOM 2x a day. It is AMAZING with totally curbing the muscle tension that leads to my migraines (cutting both of those out! ) and helping to slowly tame the heart palpitations that have gotten really frequent the last 2 months.

The problem I seem to have (It MAY just be a coincidence) is that I sure have been moody!

Is that a possible healing/work through it thing, or ? Any ideas? I am trying to find some other form of magnesium, but in the meantime I will cautiously use the MOM.

