Constipation for Magnesium

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Smithsurfermom (Huntington Beach, Ca) on 07/15/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I spent most of my adult life constipated. I was the only one who went to Mexico and prayed for Montezumas revenge! Now that I take magnesium 500 mg. 2x daily, everything works just like it clockwork. I have heard it is also good for migraine sufferers. I used to have lots of migraines when I was younger but went through menopause and they pretty much stopped (hormones were the culprit). I wish I had started taking magnesium years ago and maybe my migraines would have gone away alot sooner or at least been less frequent.
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Maya (Cincinnati, Usa) on 02/15/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I concur 100%... Lifelong constipation, high cholesterol and now gallstone. I just realized I am probably magnesium defincient to I started taking it and like clock-work the BM's are daily... I am hoping it helps the other issues (research says it does).
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Jennifer (Sunrise, Fl, Usa) on 11/04/2011
5 out of 5 stars

Have to add a big YES YES YES to Magnesium! I have been chronically constipated since I was a child. I usually used Triphala to help my slow bowel issues, which encourages the peristalsic contractions, but my bowels were still a little on the slow side (1 BM every 2 days) and most of the time they were too hard. I started taking magnesium for my anxiety issues and found that not only is magnesium a great supplement to relieve anxiety, but as an unintended result, my bowels are now soft and very easy to pass and I have a regular BM every day. No wonder Milk of Magnesia is a laxative - go figure!

I use a powdered blend of magnesium citrate and magnesium carbonate (two of the most bioavailable forms of magnesium) and take 1/2 teaspoonful every day. I use the powdered form because some studies show that the coating on tablets reduces the absorption of magnesium. It's best to start small to see how you react and increase the dosage if you find you need more. If your bowels are too loose, you are taking too much. If they are comfortably loose, you are at the right amount. Make sure you do not surpass the recommended amount per day, because your kidneys have to work hard to excrete the magnesium, and toxity has been reported in very high dosages. Do not use if you have kidney problems.

As another wonderful benefit, magnesium is very relaxing and is great for people who suffer from anxiety issues. Magnesium supplementation is also good for people who are taking calcium and/or Vitamin B6.

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Anna (Dayton, OH) on 07/10/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I worked with a famous local herbalist and many people came in with constipation problems. My friend would have a bowel movement once a week. My other older friend would have to go to the hospital periodically because of constipation. The remedy that worked for me and both of my friends was magnesium. I take 2 magnesium (200 to 250 mg apiece)for insomnia every night. Every morning when I wake up I naturally have a bm. According to my herbalist magnesium relaxes every cell of your body and we don't get enough of it. My younger friend with constipation was tested for 12 (200mg) tabs a day till her bowels got loose enough and then she was to back down-taking less-till she found how manny worked well for her. My herbalist used to say you can't get enough magnesium-your body needs it so much. Whether that is true or not I don't know. But I do know it's the best solution for my constipation and insomnia.
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Fauna (Lynnwood, WA) on 12/18/2007
5 out of 5 stars

I love love love, what magnesium has done for me. I was constipated for the last 30 years of my life. I was in a lot of discomfort and even excluded myself from social gatherings because of gas and bloating. Once a week was the norm most times less. I feel like I have wasted a lot of my life because of this problem. I added magnesium to my diet because of a problem I am having with my teeth, and what do you know, regular, like clockwork bowel movements. I have also added oatmeal to my diet, but by using the magnesium regularly, I feel so much better. Those who rely on laxatives are really missing the boat on this one, and should strongly rethink how they treat their bodies. Even though I should be laxative dependent, I never stooped to that way of life, but I know that a lot of women rely on laxatives to produce bowel movements. I feel freed by this information and only wish I had had it 30 years earlier.