Dmso Application Tips for DMSO

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Roxanne (Michigan) on 05/17/2022
5 out of 5 stars

I just starting using dmso. I had an ingrown toe nail and applied dmso straight from the bottle and in a day and a half, it’s resolved itself.

I'm using it straight from the bottle for my inner thigh psoas muscles and don’t seem to have any reaction from it. I’m looking forward to more issues to be solved with dmso.

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Joel (Senegal) on 10/26/2021
5 out of 5 stars

Regarding diluting dmso for topical application, usually 50% dilution is good but everyone is different so just experiment.

To take dmso by mouth you can either put it in large cellulose capsules 1mL at a time and swallow them before they melt (in a minute), or you can just dilute it in enough water. 1mL in a liter of water is hard to taste. But you might want to use more, so in that case capsules and topical.

To avoid smelling bad, take extra magnesium and drink ( raw goat preferably) milk. Lots more info from the website or in the book DMSO:Nature's Healer.

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Joel Rosenblum (Senegal) on 10/26/2021
5 out of 5 stars

Regarding diluting dmso for topical application, usually 50% dilution is good but everyone is different so just experiment.

To take dmso by mouth you can either put it in large cellulose capsules 1mL at a time and swallow them before they melt (in a minute), or you can just dilute it in enough water. 1mL in a liter of water is hard to taste. But you might want to use more, so in that case capsules and topical.

To avoid smelling bad, take extra magnesium and drink ( raw goat preferably) milk. Lots more info from the website or in the book DMSO:Nature's Healer.

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Katzie (Calgary ) on 07/26/2021
5 out of 5 stars

I do not subscribe to the dilute above the waist and not below stuff. I use DMSO on my knees regularly and always put on a thin layer of castor oil first. This helps with protecting my skin AND from half the DMSO being soaked up by the skin in my hand on the way to my knees! DMSO is a solvent and it wants IN! The one time I forgot the castor oil and used the stuff straight, and the skin on my kneecaps was red and scaly. I threw every healing oil I have at it, and the stuff that worked overnight was av-ee-no lotion. Please so not use DMSO straight unless you're diluting, and that just seems its more trouble than it's worth.

Tip: do take a moment and rinse the stuff off your hands after or they'll look pickled later for a little while. I don't like this sensation so I always wash it off.

Best of healing to you!

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Claudi0 (Spring Hill, Florida) on 10/15/2020
5 out of 5 stars

I have done tons of research and just completed reading three books on the DMSO subject.

99.9% is sold in feed stores for use on animals, and 99.995% is sold as pharmacy grade - difference is that the purer grade has been sent through an additional charcoal filtering to remove any tiny contaminates that may remain after processing. Amazon sells the purest 99.995 grade very reasonable.

One of the most recommended ways to apply is with a natural bristle paint brush, or organic cotton balls. Never use water to mix with unless it is distilled water, otherwise what ever may be in the water will be also pulled into your skin; anything you mix with DMSO will be pulled into the skin and below. It is a very safe product if you use properly and very beneficial to many aches and pains.

Don't cover the application if you use it anywhere above the waist and dilute it further than any mixture you use below the waist. You may cover it if used below the waste but use clean white cotton material or towels so that the dye from the material is not also sucked through you skin. An application can be wiped off after 30 minutes as that is the longest it takes to absorb the benefits.

Always make sure your skin in very clean and dry before using. Never rub it on with your hand - it can cause skin irritation in that spot and if left on the palms of your hands, will also look like they've been soaked in water for hours. The skin will most likely turn a reddish color for a short period of time as the circulation is stepped up but will go away very soon. Slight itching may happen but do not itch it. It will stop soon. Not all experience these side affects but a lot do.

Hope this was helpful to those with questions.

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Juiceman (Seattle) on 08/02/2018
5 out of 5 stars

Great call Jam, who would have thunk it, you did.
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Jam (Asheville, Nc) on 03/03/2018
5 out of 5 stars

Because DMSO carries substances into your skin you have to be careful about what you apply it with. I would never use a plastic roller as I do not want the chemicals from the plastic in my system. I also would not use my hands to apply it because if there is any DMSO left on your hands even after washing, then everything you handle with your hands all day long will be absorbed as well. I use a small glass bottle or jar to apply it! I just put a small amount on the outside of the jar and use the jar to rub it into my skin. Then I wash the outside of the jar with a pure soap and water and reuse it for next time. I am trying to think of something better that is made of glass such as a glass pestle or something.
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Jam (Asheville, Nc) on 03/03/2018
5 out of 5 stars

I would NOT use a q-tip or cotton to apply DMSO as most cotton (if not organic) is loaded with pesticides!
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Janet (In) on 01/19/2018
5 out of 5 stars

DMSO helps with so many issues. Yet I think that there are a few things to do to really give it optimal effectiveness.

First is eliminations

Vegetable oils use butter or coconut oil only. This helps your digestion and helps your liver function.

Gluten, GMO, all grains if you can. This will get rid of pain to an extent, help you digest and absorb nutrients optimally.

Aspartame: It is poison to the body, stopping it will reduce pain. If you put it near insects they will not eat it.

Fluoride in water and anything you buy. It is a neurotoxin. I had lost all of my brain abilities. Could not drive. Think. Read. I was laying on cement in my basement waiting to die. I managed to look up Ted's remedies here on Earth Clinic. I took 1/8 tsp of 20 mule team borax in a liter of water. Drank that in bits in beverages through the day. My mind began to work. My pain began to diminish. 4 days out of 7. It displaces the fluoride with healing boron. Balances hormones disrupted by envirornmental toxins. For men it is 1/4 tsp of borax in 1 liter of water.

Aluminum: this gathers up in the brain and stops it from functioning. The best detoxifier is borax. And 1 lime squeezed in a glass. 6 to 8 tsp.Add 1/2 tsp baking soda. Let fizz. Add 1/2 glass of water. Drink 2x a day. 1/2 hour after food. 5 days out of 7.

Calcium supplements or excess calcium. This causes joint pain. Circulation problems. The lime drink above removes excess calcium from circulation. Improves digestion. Keeps cortisol, overnight from jumping all over. Improves stages of sleep, helps optimize function of gallbladder, pancreas, kidney and bladder.

Table salt...use sea salt. It has all the trace minerals in their correct forms and amounts to run the body.


No lo fat or sugar free foods the tub chlorine steam can affect the heart. Use fish tank dechlorinator. Chlorine filter in kitchen.

Pain relief.

Epsom bath. 1/2 the ingredients for foot soak. 2 cups Epsom

1 cup borax

1 capful fish tank dechlorinator

1 cup hydrogen peroxide to oxygenate the body

Soak 20 minutes minimum. As often as you can.

Magnesium. Supplements 250 mg 2x a day. Mag citrate for constipated types. Mag malate for runny stool types.

Magnesium oil. Buy magnesium flakes. Online supplement shops etc. 60% flakes in a mason jar. Add 40% spring water. Let stand 1 hour. Cap and shake. This you can put in spray bottle and spray sore areas. Put some on feet at bedtime to get it through entire body. Your body uses magnesium from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. It may sting, add more mag oil..or water..or castor oil to stop stinging until your levels rise. Once adequate it no longer stings.

Castor oil pack. A folded piece of flannel to fit treatment area. Into a ziploc. Add enough castor oil to saturate the cloth in bag. Use bag to squeeze out excess, while pulling it out. Add mag oil. Then add DMSO. Apply to painful area, lay on an old towel, add saran wrap, add a heating pad on medium. 20 minutes or longer. As often as you wish.

DMSO the area must be clean before applying as DMSO carries everything through the skin to target areas.

Here is Teds chapter on DMSO if you type in E.C.s search box DMSO and your subject. Day arthritis you will see all available info re your search.


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Gri Court (Spain) on 11/01/2017
5 out of 5 stars

Let's not forget that distilled water should be used with DMSO as regular tap water even filtered contains fluoride, chlorine, chloramine and inorganic minerals that your body accumulates over time. Putting vitamin C in the water neutralizes the chlorine and chloramine, something to keep in mind when taking a bath with DMSO. Also essential oils can be mixed with DMSO.
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