B-Complex Health Benefits and Side Effects

Modified on Jun 27, 2022

Among the most important nutrients for the body, B complex vitamins help the body produce energy and create red blood cells. Aside from supporting good health, these vitamins also function to treat and prevent certain health problems. A supplement that contains all eight of the B vitamins, vitamin B complex is especially important for general health and wellness.

What Is Vitamin B Complex?

Vitamin B complex is a dietary supplement that includes all of the B vitamins: B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin, B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid, B6, B7 (biotin), B9 (folate) and B12. Each of the B vitamins is responsible for maintaining specific bodily functions; however, it is all together that the vitamins work most effectively.

B1 and B2 promote healthy functioning of the muscles, nerves and heart while B3 is responsible for regulating the nervous and digestive systems. Normal growth and development are dependent on vitamins B5 and B12. B6 provides immune support and aids in protein breakdown while B7 helps produce hormones. Vitamin B9 directs the production and maintenance of DNA.

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