Water Therapy Feedback for Water

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Anonymous (USA) on 04/20/2006
5 out of 5 stars

Water! It helps keep your throat moist. Keep water at your bedside for when you wake up and whenever your throat is feeling dry, drink water.
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Anna (Lancaster, UK) on 11/20/2005
5 out of 5 stars

WATER. i started drinking it, around 10 cups a day. exercise, and i don't drink or smoke. if my skin gets bad, i go on detox right away, no dairy (also, no soya- i drink rice milk), refined foods, NO CHOCOLATE. etc. i am 34 and still get asked for my id without fail!

Liza (USA) on 03/01/2004
5 out of 5 stars

I started drinking 10 glasses of water/day, for no reason other than I had started exercising regularly and I wanted to be healthy. About 3 weeks into this regime, I noticed my acne had completely disappeared, I had not been using anything topically for my acne at this time nor did I change my diet besides the drastic increase in water intake. Another bonus was, my regularly dry skin is now as soft as a baby's (even my hands!) and I don't have to use lotion at all--even after shaving my legs. When you first start drinking lots of water you are in the bathroom quite often--including in the middle of the night. This subsides after a week or two--your bladder becomes accustomed to the increase and adjusts. I learned the easiest way to drink 10 glasses of water/day is to drink out of two of the 1 liter water bottles or 4 of the smaller size (20 fl. oz.) bottles. For economy, I refill mine. I also try to drink 1 liter by noon and the second liter by 4 p.m. (So I'm not in the bathroom at 1 a.m.) I recently read an article by a doctor in Connecticut that said drinking that amount of water will reduce allergy symptoms, constipation and some other common ailments, (including acne and dry skin). Her article also mentioned that drinking juice takes away water from our bodies because the sugar level in the juice is higher than that of our blood so water is supplied from our body to our gut to dilute the juice. (In other words, it takes away water, rather than adds to it.) I regularly don't drink anything besides water --I'm never thirsty! Her article also said that you can count as one of your 10 glasses of water an herbal tea or a glass of 1/3 juice with 2/3 water.
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Coty (Gate City VA) on 03/01/2004
5 out of 5 stars

WATER Is the best thing for high cholesterol.
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Charlene (Ontario, Canada) on 03/01/2004
5 out of 5 stars

I suffered for years with sinus infections. My last sinus infection lasted an entire year. I read a book called: "Your Body's Many Cries for Water" written by a doctor. I began drinking at least 2 liters of water a day, and have not had ANY form of a cold or sinus infection since. An added bonus, I have lost weight without even counting calories.
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