Side Effects from Common Home Remedies

Modified on Aug 23, 2023

The Earth Clinic team is incredibly proud of all the natural, effective remedies discovered and uncovered throughout our site. Still, our goal is always to improve and protect your health, so we want to make sure you're also aware of any possible side effects from the natural cures our users recommend.

Natural remedies are, by their very nature, generally safe. However, any of us may have unknown allergies, may be taking drugs or consuming other foods and supplements that might interact strangely, or the remedy itself may be dangerous in larger doses or with continued use.

Natural Remedy Tips: Our best advice -- always start slow and with the lowest possible dose, then increase the dosage slowly. Most of the side effects and poor health results we see are from users who try to change their health too fast with a super-sized dose of... whatever. Take it slow, and try one remedy at a time to see what works best.

Before you try any natural remedies, please check out the following information on home remedy side effects.

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    List of Remedies for Remedy Side Effects