Pumpkin Health Benefits

Modified on Oct 31, 2017

More than just a fall-time favorite, pumpkin is a bountiful nutrition source all year round. Not only is the pumpkin one of the most widely grown crops, but it is also one that is rich in essential antioxidants, vitamins, and other nutrients. Pumpkin has benefits that range from supporting liver and kidney health to curing insomnia, making it an effective health treatment for a range of purposes.

What is Pumpkin?

While many individuals recognize pumpkins primarily as a seasonal decoration, this variation of the gourd is actually an extremely healthful food source as well. The pumpkin can be described as a relative of the squash that typically appears round in shape and orange in color; however the pumpkin comes in many different varieties.

The pumpkin actually grows from a flower and originates from a fleshy plant that produces seeds, so it is often classified as a fruit. It is also considered a vegetable by many individuals, though, as it is an unsweetened produce – its flavor profile is more similar to that of vegetables.

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