The Soil Association (uk) for Organic Gardening Tips

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Michael (New Zealand) on 08/04/2021
5 out of 5 stars

Hi there again you jolly posters!

Here is a follow up to my ranting and raving from a little earlier to-day.

This "Soil Association" Site has been around in the UK for long enough (1946) to have a track record to be appreciated for what it achieves. My famous Aunt liked it a lot, which has to be an enviable endorsement! Prince Charles possibly approves also.

You could do a lot worse than this one if you seriously wish to get started on your "Growing Journey".

At least their hemisphere is the same as your one and you don't have to convert Januaries to Julys etc like we do down here !!!

Scroll down to their "Top Tips for Growing at Home" for a nice succinct summary (with no padding and dross).

Go/grow well.

Cheers from Down Under