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Uncle Benny (Edmonton, Canada) on 01/17/2015
5 out of 5 stars

Combine neem tea with Papaya leaves. Grind it in blender and add a bit of water. This would destroy the virus hard shell with the papain. The neem tea would be a double attack. Use noni fruit juice and it would keep your body clean. It worked for me. No more outbreaks.Try for 7 days on an empty stomach. Fasting on water would be the ideal body environment. God is great!!! He forgives.
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Alex Illi (Mampong, Ghana) on 07/14/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Neem Tincture cures scabies

An alcoholic extract of neem worked for me, after neem oil did not show any effect. Living here in West-Africa, most people are infected with multi-resistant scabies. Benzylbenzoate (an ingredient of cheap, "chemical" perfume, that burned intensely when rubbed into the skin) didn't work, also tea-tree-oil and neem-oil showed no effects; I didn't want to try the strong insecticide Permethrine, because I wanted to keep my room-mates, I. E. The spiders etc. ; vaseline with sulphur in the recommended application was quite nasty, because of having to sit naked with vaseline all over the body in a plastic chair several days, sweating in the tropical heat. But then Neem-Tincture has worked fine! In just three days, applied morning and evening, complete eradication of all symptoms, permanently. Since reinfection can hardly be avoided here, every few months I get opportunity to reassure myself of the reliable effectiveness of this simple method. Neem-Tincture - (alcoholic extract of neem-leaves)- recipe: dried neem leaf powder or fine leaf flakes mixed with double volume-amount alcohol (e. g. Normal 40% schnaps, tequila etc. ), let soak for two weeks in closed jar, then filter and press through cloth - voila.

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Merryanne (Orange City, Florida, Usa) on 09/28/2010
5 out of 5 stars

I am glad you found out about Neem, I live in Florida and there is a Neem Tree Farm here that sells the bark or leves in capsules. I personally took a capsuel of each three time a day for 2 months and it gave me a wonderful cleansing out, and then I quite smoking, I did pray to God a lot, but I am still free of cigarettes after 2 years, thank God, but the neem products are great for all cleansings
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Amy (Indianapolis, IN) on 07/22/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I can attest to using neem oil for dandruff. I have been using a high quality organic neem shampoo, and have noticed a big difference in the 2-3 days that I have used it. I have been following the instructions and leaving the shampoo on my scalp for 3-5 minutes before rinsing. I have had an itchy, red scalp for about 2 years that came on after a bad home perm. The flakes are definitely almost gone already. Using pure neem oil seems to irritate my skin b/c it's too strong, but the shampoo seems to work well so far. I think my scalp problems are due to some sort of ongoing yeast or fungus, and I am also taking coconut oil daily.
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William (Grants Pass, Oregon) on 01/12/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Hot Spot Remedies:

My dog Terra who is part Sheppard and part Akita, had two large hot spots on her back above her tail. I wasn't sure what to do so I asked the folks at our local herb shop ( called "the Herb Shop") and they recommended using Neem oil. When I got home I poured a little Hydrogen peroxide on them to clean and disinfect the spots and then I applied a coating of the oil, nothing else. After about 20 minutes or so, the skin started drying out and that was it, no more problem , completely healed with in a few days.

Several years later, my Mother was in the last few days of her life, from cancer, and we noticed a rather large bed sore on her back so I applied some Neem oil and the same thing happened. Even though her body had started shutting down the skin was reforming on the bedsore!

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Sayed (Abu Dhabi, UAE) on 10/16/2008
5 out of 5 stars

Neem, Botanical Name Azadirachta Indica
Neem is considered as the king of Herbs in India. There are many diseases that are treated with neem including arthritis, rheumatism diabetes, cancer, Chronic fatigue caused by candida albicans etc..

Some ways of using Neem
1. Mix pure dried neem oil with Vaseline in the ratio of 1:5. This combination can be used for repelling insects including mosquitoes as well as for skin disorders, minor cuts, burns, wounds etc.
2. For complete skin protection make a strong tea with neem leaves and add to the bath along with a little rose water.
3. Boil 10 freshly cleaned neem leaves along with cotton with a liter of water for approx. 10 mins. Cool. Use as an eyewash in case of conjunctivitis, itching etc.
4. For athletes' foot and other foot problems, make a strong tea and soak feet.
5. For dandruff and head lice: Massage neem oil mixed with coconut or olive oil into hair and leave for 1 hour. Shampoo. Repeat once weekly for 3 weeks or as long as problem persists.
6. To treat a sore throat without antibiotics, gargle with neem leaf water (add 2 - 3 neem leaves to 300 ml water and cool) to which honey has been added.
7. For acne, pimples, skin infections pure neem leaf powder mixed with water to the affected area.
8. In case of sinusitis, use pure neem oil as nasal drops. Two drops morning and evening.
9. Prevent breeding of mosquitoes by adding crushed neem seeds and neem oil to all breeding areas. Neem products ensure complete inhibition of egg laying for seven days.
10. Add 30 ml of neem oil to 1 ltr of water. Mix well. Add 1 ml of teepol (liquid detergent) and spray immediately for plant protection. Do not store the mixture; make fresh formulation for each spray.
11. Boil 40 - 50 neem leaves in 250 ml of water 20 mins. Cool, strain and refrigerate to use as a astringent.
12. Chewing 2 - 3 neem leaves regularly helps purify the blood and in cases of hyperacidity and diabetes.
13. For Diabetes, recommend usage is to take one tablespoon of neem leaf juice daily on an empty stomach each morning for three months. An alternative is to chew or take in powder form ten (10) neem leaves daily in the morning. Some studies have shown that oral application of neem leaf extracts reduced a patient's insulin requirements by between 30 and 50 percent for nonkeytonic, insulin fast and insulin-sensitive diabetes.
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Steven (Camas, USA) on 09/08/2008
5 out of 5 stars

NEEM OIL is a rapid cure for ear mite infections. I used it with my cockapoo and it worked in a couple of days where three weeks of using other treatments failed (olive oil, mineral oil, olive oil with garlic, water/vinegar ALL FAILED). The effectiveness of Neem Oil was impressive and I recommend it highly.

Start by warming the Neem Oil by sitting the closed bottle in a bowl of hot water for about 10 minutes. This is important because Neem Oil becomes viscous or solid when cold and you must warm it up so that it flows easily into the ear.

Then, using a dropper, fill the ear canal with pure Neem Oil, then massage the ear canal for about a minute, then wipe off the excess with a cotton ball. Do this once a day at bedtime for a few days so the dog sleeps with the oil in its ear. Neem Oil seems to be absorbed into the tissues so do not use it for more than a few days.

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Gabriela (Pahoa, Hawaii) on 02/24/2008
5 out of 5 stars

My pet recipe: Neem Seed Oil (100% pure only). I use it on everything, when our pets have itching, they scratch constantly and inflict wounds on themselves. If they have tics in their ears, they might inflict a wound somewhere by constantly scratching on the outside.

Neem Seed Oil is against parasites, mites and tics and fleas. It is also anti-bacterial. I used it on little turtles, chickens and cats. These are our only animals. I am so confident with this. I have solved problems, the vet said, were psychological. In one case, it truly was. Our cat was not stopping to scratch herself and inflicted wounds on herself because we had been away for some time and she was traumatized. I solved this problem by using Neem Seed Oil on her wounds first and then I put a little dog-shirt on her (like a T-shirt for tiny doggies you can buy). She was so estranged about the funny thing on her body that she forgot about her licking and couldn't anyway. After a few days, she got it off herself and had all forgotten her obsessive licking. When I use Neem Seed Oil, I put it on my hands, and oil the animals generously on all the spots necessary. They hate it - but usually one or two treatments are enough.

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Diane (San Francisco, CA) on 10/06/2007
5 out of 5 stars

I have used neem oil very successfully to prevent head lice. My daughter caught them at school. I used an over-the-counter insecticide to kill the lice that were on her head. Then I used the special comb included with the insecticide to remove as many of the eggs as possible. Then I applied neem oil (heated until it was liquid) to her scalp, generously, then massaged her scalp to make sure the oil covered her scalp completely. After this treatment, she had no more lice. The other kids in her class continued to get lice, but she never got lice again. I understand that neem oil kills the eggs and also makes it difficult or impossible for the living lice to drink blood from the veins in the scalp, so they die without laying more eggs.
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Otti (Tampa, Florida) on 08/06/2007
5 out of 5 stars

I discovered an awesome natural remedy for any yeast infections and fungus - neem tree see oil. It even works on plants, not just my boyfriend's toe nail fungus. However, the seed oil smells worse than garlic but it is so very strong and powerful. Mixing it with an essential oil can help with that smell. Other neem tree extracts can cure viral infections as well and can be taken orally. I have used the seed oil on my cold sore (mixed with carmex because of the smell) and it stopped the herpes outbreak immediately.
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